We have been cleaning. And painting, and throwing stuff away and wiping and scrapping and vacuuming and dusting and trying to get everything to say "buy me". There is pretty much nothing fun about moving.
let's see: good things about moving
Great job opportunity for Beloved
Closer to Nana and Abba
an interesting part of the country to see
not so good:
it's expensive
lots of work
we have to try and sell our house
lots of work
we have to try and find something to buy that is affordable
lots of work
we like it here
we will miss our pool
lots of work
we will miss our friends
we know where everything is and where to go and do and be and eat
it's even farther from stinkin Utah
lots of work
but most of all we'll miss our friends. It takes a long time to make old friends and we have great ones here. Friends we can call and say "hey come over and look over our stuff and tell us what looks like a cluttery mess" and they come, and we complain that whole time they tell us...but they still like us and we still like them. Friends we can call and say "hey can H (or E or G or whoever) come over and play, they are lonely and we are busy cleaning" and they are happy to have them. I will miss our good friends.
BTW, I am not sad we're moving, just tired of the decluttering and stress and worry about the move.
Everyone has been working hard, which is nice. The only thing that's not working is our desk top which sadly bit the dust :(
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
why I should always have my camera with me
Right after church we headed over to feed Renaldo. We're half way there already at that point and it seemed like a good idea, and I knew J's goat boots were in the back of the car.
So we pulled up and she lifted the back door, plopped down and removed her heels and slipped into her tall,rubber, black waders and headed into the barn. I was pulled up far enough so that from the warmth of my suburban I could still see in and could watch Renaldoattack her for food greet her with his customary jumping up and placing two little hoofs on her shoulders she knocked him down and from the car I could see her mouth form the words "stoopid goat" gently greeted him in return, while removing said cute little hoofs from her carefully coiffed curls. After giving him and Lily, his very polite and shy pen mate, food and water, she got out the leash and began "to train" him to walk on it, in preparation for the show. He was not very cooperative however S and I had a fabulous laugh watching!!
Then S's friend Emily pulled up in her church clothes to feed her goat and S jumped out of the car and they greeted each other in the customary high pitched squeal and hug of teenage girls (startling all the goats out of their Sunday afternoon stupor) Emily's goat began bleating (side not: it is amazing how smart these animals are, I think they learn the sound of their people's cars because they always bleat away when theirs drive up and their people walk in, while the other goats look up but don't really put any energy into calling out)
Then I watched three pearl clad, dress wearing, goat girls haul food in to their babies. I wish wish wish I had my camera. Maybe next Sunday :)
So we pulled up and she lifted the back door, plopped down and removed her heels and slipped into her tall,rubber, black waders and headed into the barn. I was pulled up far enough so that from the warmth of my suburban I could still see in and could watch Renaldo
Then S's friend Emily pulled up in her church clothes to feed her goat and S jumped out of the car and they greeted each other in the customary high pitched squeal and hug of teenage girls (startling all the goats out of their Sunday afternoon stupor) Emily's goat began bleating (side not: it is amazing how smart these animals are, I think they learn the sound of their people's cars because they always bleat away when theirs drive up and their people walk in, while the other goats look up but don't really put any energy into calling out)
Then I watched three pearl clad, dress wearing, goat girls haul food in to their babies. I wish wish wish I had my camera. Maybe next Sunday :)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
a tale of two movies
Much of this Christmas holiday is being spent on "getting the house ready". Not so fun, but has to be done. We are smattering some fun here and there. Christmas itself was a delight. So far, between de cluttering, and painting and boxing stuff up and hanging new blinds and new windows (to replace the three brother has broken) we have also been to the movies twice.
We had planned to go on Christmas day. As the actual day unfolded we found that we were having too much fun to pack up and head out. Sometime between a slice of ham and a bite of jell-o it was decided that Beloved would stay home that night with Lucy and Brother and the bigger girls and I would go to a later show. We saw Marley and Me. (side note: when we got home, at almost 10, B2 were up to their eyeballs in a light saber duel that was both fierce and long) It was a good movie, I was very glad we didn't take the younger two because it was SO sad, and really not just the story of a dog, but the story of a marriage and a family. I liked it a lot. I cried. We came home and hugged Millie, our own clearance dog (we got her for a mere $100 because she had ringworm on her head) Our friend Warren always laughed at us because our bargain $100 dog ended up costing $3000 in a fence to put around the yard, $1000 to man's best friend (where she did graduate) and countless dollars in chewed up beds, couch cushion, back door, stairwell, toys, shoes and various and sundry items. I had to laugh at the scene where Marley takes the diaper from the table remembering the summer V was here and Lu pooped in her high chair. While we were cleaning the mess off her in the tub Millie took care of the chair, which caused MSV to do the throw up dance and run outside screaming in grossness!! LOL
The next day after our designated chores we took the three littles to see "Bedtime Stories", which I also enjoyed. Going to the movies with them is not a relaxing experience however. I made Lu promise to be good (she has only just started to go to movies with us) and she solemnly swore. We sat down and I got popcorn (our secret weapon to keep kids quiet and still ) and passed it out. Brother took his spot on Beloved's lap and everyone was settled into their seats. That lasted 5 minutes. Lu hopped up for a refill of her cup, and a sip of soda and to smash the seat in front of her. Then she was good. For another 5. Repeat, again and again. H had the sniffles and kicked the seat in front of her several times and slllurrrrpppped loudly until I told her she couldn't drink. Then she had to pee. Meanwhile yoyo was up and down up and down. I finally put her on my lap, where her legs could just reach the seat in front of me and she could tap tap tap it with her toes. Then she sat sideways and "whispered in my ear" then spilled soda down my shirt and hers. Then crunched the ice and wrapped her icy fingers around my neck. She was having a lovely time and wanted to let me know. "MOM, THIS IS FUNNY", "MOMMMMM I WUW YOU!!!" she whispered. Right.
Finally the movie was over, and it was funny, and wewalked outside bounced out the door where Lu said "Mom I was so good, right mom?" Yep I answered and she totally missed the sarcasm and said "I learned to be good at the movies, that's happy huh mom?!?!! and was so bouncy and delighted with herself that I had to say yes.
We had planned to go on Christmas day. As the actual day unfolded we found that we were having too much fun to pack up and head out. Sometime between a slice of ham and a bite of jell-o it was decided that Beloved would stay home that night with Lucy and Brother and the bigger girls and I would go to a later show. We saw Marley and Me. (side note: when we got home, at almost 10, B2 were up to their eyeballs in a light saber duel that was both fierce and long) It was a good movie, I was very glad we didn't take the younger two because it was SO sad, and really not just the story of a dog, but the story of a marriage and a family. I liked it a lot. I cried. We came home and hugged Millie, our own clearance dog (we got her for a mere $100 because she had ringworm on her head) Our friend Warren always laughed at us because our bargain $100 dog ended up costing $3000 in a fence to put around the yard, $1000 to man's best friend (where she did graduate) and countless dollars in chewed up beds, couch cushion, back door, stairwell, toys, shoes and various and sundry items. I had to laugh at the scene where Marley takes the diaper from the table remembering the summer V was here and Lu pooped in her high chair. While we were cleaning the mess off her in the tub Millie took care of the chair, which caused MSV to do the throw up dance and run outside screaming in grossness!! LOL
The next day after our designated chores we took the three littles to see "Bedtime Stories", which I also enjoyed. Going to the movies with them is not a relaxing experience however. I made Lu promise to be good (she has only just started to go to movies with us) and she solemnly swore. We sat down and I got popcorn (our secret weapon to keep kids quiet and still ) and passed it out. Brother took his spot on Beloved's lap and everyone was settled into their seats. That lasted 5 minutes. Lu hopped up for a refill of her cup, and a sip of soda and to smash the seat in front of her. Then she was good. For another 5. Repeat, again and again. H had the sniffles and kicked the seat in front of her several times and slllurrrrpppped loudly until I told her she couldn't drink. Then she had to pee. Meanwhile yoyo was up and down up and down. I finally put her on my lap, where her legs could just reach the seat in front of me and she could tap tap tap it with her toes. Then she sat sideways and "whispered in my ear" then spilled soda down my shirt and hers. Then crunched the ice and wrapped her icy fingers around my neck. She was having a lovely time and wanted to let me know. "MOM, THIS IS FUNNY", "MOMMMMM I WUW YOU!!!" she whispered. Right.
Finally the movie was over, and it was funny, and we
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Buche de Noel

In honor of my parents first Belgian Christmas we decided to make a Buche de Noel for dessert. I looked up a recipe on line (where else?) and it was fun to make, and super tasty!! Next year I'll get marzipan and make cuter decorations and I think I would make a different frosting than filling but it was still good.
For the Grandma's who couldn't be with us this year:

Then they were VERY excited to open theirs. Santa brought this cool train that has really smoke coming out of it. (see how it's dark out of the window, not sunrise yet, technically not even morning)

Brother's favs of the year were his make it your self light saber kit, his star wars unleashed for the Wii and the train.

little mama
Monday, December 22, 2008
We spent the day working on the house and finishing Christmas shopping it was a busy day. S and J did manage to find some time to go bowling, but in general we spent the day checking things off our to do list. Tonight as a reward, and as a special FHE, and as a gift from Grandma and Papa (this is what we spent our Christmas money on~ thanks! ) we decided to go to ICE and then out to dinner. 

It was neat. The sculptures were awesome and larger than life. That part was really neat. It was freezing 9 degrees, but with the big parkas it wasn't too bad. Our lips did get chapped from the cold.
It was also SOOO crowded. I felt like a huge penguin in a huge mass of penguins trying to waddle through the frozen landscape. It was literally a sea of blue, and a pressing mass of humanity where ever we went. I had to grab ahold of Lu's jacket and she kept twisting away and complaining.
J went last week and said it was nothing like that.
So: neat, glad I went, stressful, and way too many people.
On the way home we stopped at Kincaids for burgers, and I have to say, after 10 years of hearing how they are the best burgers around I finally tried one and I was not disappointed. They were most delicious.
On the way home we stopped at Kincaids for burgers, and I have to say, after 10 years of hearing how they are the best burgers around I finally tried one and I was not disappointed. They were most delicious.
It is cold, not as cold as Utah I know, but still really cold. The last two days we've had to break the ice up off the top of poor Renaldo's water bucket. Now that is cold.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Last night we went caroling with the missionaries and several other families. It was a really cold, but fun time. We almost didn't make it. About an hour before we were supposed to go I was taking J to a party and she was driving, well she drove, rather quickly, into S's car. Ripped the front end off and sent it scooting three feet down the driveway. Not a happy start to the evening. She went running in to tell S "sorry, sorry sorry!!!". S was, understandably, not happy. So there was a while of commotion and sadness. Finally S, who was going to come with us, didn't; and J who was not going to did and we got out the door about 10 minutes late. However our friends graciously waited and we were underway.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ward Social

After that was dinner: ham, funeral potatoes, rolls, salad and desserts. YUMMM!

Then we did some group caroling, the Bishop read a story and then SURPRISE the big guy came!

Lu got in line twice to talk to Santa. :)

E and C had a great time hanging out. Somewhere along the way the kids started a spontaneous Christmas conga line! Oh, they also had a fun carolling game, which our table almost won!, but the Steers had 2 more solved than we did.
I think everyone enjoyed themselves and had a fun time visiting with friends and sharing in the festivities.
Friday, December 19, 2008

After we got home we had about a week to get ready for Christmas and head up to Ohio. We did A LOT of driving that year!
top picture: Beloved, Brother and Great Grandpa Thacker
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This was the year that S and J went to CA to spend the holiday with Mark&Bea so it was kind of quieter for us. We had a mini day with them before they left and then on the big day opened gifts. We went to the movies on Christmas afternoon, which was really fun. I think we saw the Incredibles.
where we invite people to bring us cookies!

We played several games, then ate tons of cookies! After that the girls ran upstairs where they sounded like a very large herd of elephants running back and forth punctuated by the occasional crash (which they said was "nothing") and the mom's visited. It was a nice evening.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
sweet Santa secrets
why my life as a mother is like a fairy tale.
The children's new beds are either too hard or too soft, but my crowded old bed is just right.
The kids will eat neon green froot leather but act like I am serving them poison if I give them a fresh apple.
When I come home in the evening I am greeted by a house full of little people, one of them grumpy, one sleepy, one...
The kids will eat neon green froot leather but act like I am serving them poison if I give them a fresh apple.
When I come home in the evening I am greeted by a house full of little people, one of them grumpy, one sleepy, one...
saw this, or something darn close to it, in the doctor's office today. I hurt my shoulder on Friday, I don't know how, and it still REALLY hurts today. So I went to see my doctor who thinks it's a pulled muscle and prescribed a muscle relaxant and vicodan. I guess I'll sleep well tonight.
Hopefully it will help. Today Lu was supposed to have a gingerbread decorating party and I had to cancel it, very sadly. I do not have time to have something hurt.

S never wants me to take her picture.
This was the Christmas that Beloved got a horrible, horrible flu. Then we came home and the rest of us all had it. S was so sick she fainted in the bathroom. We were all sick at the same time, except some how little brother got spared. It was awful awful awful. Ugh!
Christmas was wonderful but what I remember most is the throw up fest that followed.
Christmas was wonderful but what I remember most is the throw up fest that followed.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Happy Birthday J!!!!
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