Today was a very good day. Lucy woke up early and kept wishing for morning. 1:30 was not. Neither was 3:00...or 5:45; finally it was and she was excited!!!
The kids are allowed to open their stockings before we get out of bed, we heard laughing and fun in the bedroom as that kept them entertained for a long while :) then we headed down stairs and opened our gifts.
Everyone got things they really wanted and were happy and cheerful:)
Sierra and Jenna both got tennis rackets and balls to play with. They both got pretty pearls from Nana, white for S and black for J. J also got a much wanted lap top in preparation for going off to college in a year :(

I got what I thought was a lovely coat for Sierra. It turned out to be a rather odd cloak with what kind of looked like a dead beaver on it. We laughed for a long time as she
modeled it for us. (we are going to exchange it)

Lucy really wanted this dinosaur digging kit, she also got a Barbie that she wanted and a scooter that she road around on inside for hours.

After the gifts were opened we had a relaxing day playing together, and making food and trying out the new toys and games.
I won at
Querkle, which was fun. Brother also really liked it.

Speaking of Brother he got this awesome helmet and a double edged light saber as well as lots of new "guys" and some other fun things.
Everyone got books and ....

Beloved got to spend a couple of hours with the "some assembly required" gifts that everyone got.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!