I had the loveliest day yesterday. It has been my life long dream to sleep as long as I want. Yesterday I got up at 5:40, the usual time, got H going then the other kids. When it was time for the bus J was here playing the piano so I asked her to walk the two little ones down to the bus stop and I raced up the stairs and into bed. When you have already been awake for 2 1/2 hours is it sleeping in or a nap? I can sleep until 2:30 if I want, I thought to myself. Turns out that the whole sleep all day plan didn't pan out, but I could have if I wanted, and maybe that's the most important part. So I got up and made beds, started laundry, cleaned the kitchen then headed out for my errands. I called up Big and asked if he wanted to meet for lunch. He did, and it was lovely.
When I got home I watched TV with the big girls (Si, J and Han) and then went to get the littles at the bus. E got invited to play at John's house so Lu and I walked home discussing her family project homework. When we got home we got out scissors and glue and pictures and magazines and worked on her book pages. Her class is making an "At Home" book with pages made by each child. It was fun looking for things she loved, we found animals, cupcakes, books, littlest pet shop pictures, Mickey, Jesus, and we had family pictures. Her pages turned out pretty cute. When we were done she wanted to go to the library so we gathered up books and hopped in the car. On the way out I passed roller blades, a tennis racket, a soccer ball and a scooter on our porch and I thought "oh what fun the kids have with these things", instead of "Arh, why don't the kids put their stuff away?" We drove towards the mailboxes and saw a bunch of boys playing baseball, then turned down the street and there was Hannah sitting on a rocking chair on Sidney's porch with Sidney, Chloe, & Sarah and they were doing homework. I stopped the car, rolled down the window and told her where I was going, and did she want to come? She didn't so we waved and went to John's to collect E. The three of us went to the library, always lovely.
When we got home E had to work on his boat for the rain gutter regatta and Lu painted rocks. H played soccer in the yard with Matthew from next door.
When it got dark we came inside, ate, cleaned up and got ready for bed. The whole day I just thought how lucky I was. What a nice neighborhood we live in, how deliciously wonderful it is to have the day to myself, how cute Big looked walking in the restaurant to meet me, how delightful the children are. I just really appreciated it. I know it won't last but what a lovely perfect day. Like a little gift in the middle of hectic life :)