Saturday, October 30, 2010
Trunk or Treat
Happy Birthday Brother
Friday, October 29, 2010
my cute family on Reggie's blessing day

<>in photo: JaNee and Michael (brother), Emily and Natalia (sister & niece), Yoho, Andrea and Reggie (BIL, sis and nephew), Amadeo , Anna and Joneaux (BIL, Sis and nephew), Alec, Kelly and Katie (brother, SIL, and niece), Ryan, Val and Tanner, Spencer, Mackenzie, little Jo (BIL, sis, 2 nephews and 2 nieces, Greg, Dani and Tate (SIL, daughter, granddaughter), Mom and Dad.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
stuff on my mind

It's raining today. I nice fall rain, the only bummer is Lu was supposed to go on a field trip to the pumpkin patch :( and J is out on the water in a canoe with her environmental class. Hopefully there won't be a freak tsunami.
We've been having some neighborhood drama. It's really different for me living here, I don't know why but this is the first place I've lived where I have known many, many neighbors quite well and where everyone is in each other's business. It's a bit Stepfordish. I was at the park yesterday and got quite an ear full about the middle school "gang" that has been roaming around wrecking havoc. It make me sad because these are nice kids really, but they are doing some destructive stuff and moms have called the police and are taking pictures of the kids doing wrong making a report of sorts. It could get ugly.
I have a list, I call it things I want to do/get for the house.
- clean the garage out
- put in shelves
- move shelf out of mud room
- put up pegs for coats and backpacks as well as a storage bench
- change lots of light bulbs out
- get overhead lighting for living room and music room
- finish painting my room
- paint living room wall
- get a nice sectional for living room
- get furniture for basement (we'll do that when we go to Ohio for Thanksgiving!)
- buy a vacuum for each floor
- make a "cleaning kit" for each floor
- buy more paint paint paint
- get shelves in basement closet
- eventually build built in book shelves in the basement
- refinish dresser and move it to basement for storage
- some day, in a land far far away, get a nice bedroom set (this is way low on the list and will probably never happen)
- get curtains for a few remaining rooms
- deck furniture
I wonder if we'll even finish the list before we move? I actually like it here, truthfully I have liked everywhere I have lived, but Big doesn't so much. Mostly I think it's job stress and busyness. I would like to live overseas some time. ...maybe that will be next. Or maybe not. We have no plans to move right now so maybe we'll be here a decade or longer. Who knows?
Who to vote for?? We are digging a huge hole and I am not sure how to get out of it. Signs of the times and really "hurry up!" is all I have to say. I am ready for peace.
Christmas shopping has begun. Slowly, I feel behind.
H cried and cried last night. The cause: her Halloween costume. She really wants something different than the thing we already got together for her and spent money on. She said it only cost $4 and she had to use old stuff for the rest so it doesn't count. She is a nice girl, and sweet and lovely but where does this sense of entitlement come from? this inability to be happy with what she has and this feeling that she is always slighted? She can never be happy because she is always looking at what others have and what she wants next. What's a mother to do?? I recognize the irony, this coming from the woman who just wrote "the list". This is the difference. I will be happy even if I never get any of that and a lot of it just costs my own labor. Madonna was right, we really are living in a material world and it's a huge trial to be born. I really wish I knew the right thing to do. We are so blessed, and have a nice home and we want to provide a nice life for our children but the balance of raising hardworking, grateful, contented people who are wise and good is hard to strike.
Looking forward to tonight's YW activity. We've been planning for awhile and I hope it will be powerful. Had to borrow alcohol from a neighbor for a clue I needed. Felt a little weird, but I promised to return it unopened. Love my neighbors.
The only bad thing is little is getting his wolf tonight and I won't be there. It really bugs me that we have so many things scheduled on the same night. really.
Sierra got 100% on her last paper (that I helped her with! ~I was so excited, I love "helping" with English homework!)
I wish I could solve every one's problems and that everyone would be happy all the time. Is that too much to ask?
Things to clean :) off I go...
Monday, October 25, 2010
friends and soups and haunted houses
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
busy October Saturday

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Laurel's made Halloween candle holders.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
5:15 little b comes stumbling in saying he has to throw up. When he's done he snuggles into the middle and falls back asleep...he is the only one.
5:25 Big gets up, he's mad, not at little but at work stuff and can't sleep anymore. He gets in the shower.
5:35 start dragging H from bed. An ordeal every morning, but this morning is particularly bad. Leave her in the bathroom with a towel and robe in hand.
5:40 listen to Big's woes.
6:05 this little one comes into the room because she is "hund-ree"

Head down stairs to make oatmeal.
6:15 J needs to borrow my car for seminary because hers is out of gas.
6:20 H and Lu both complain because the dinosaurs melted and I made it wrong.
6:30 send H out the door.
6:30.5 H back, crying, "she's not going"
6:31 repeat
6:32 repeat
6:33 give her a long long hug
6:35 send her out the door for the fourth time
6:36 she is back
6:37 threaten her with grounding, tell her I don't have a car to take her, shove her out the door (gently) and lock it
6:38 Lu, who was standing watch reports H is walking towards the bus stop
Guess my plan to go to the temple with Amy, Lori and Darlene is out.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Caramel Apple Cake

for the caramel and apples
4 T butter
3 cups sugar
5T light corn syrup
1 cup heavy cream
4 large golden delicious apples
for the batter
3 cups all purpose flour
2 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1 t salt
1/2 t cinnamon
1/2 cup sour cream
1/3 cup fresh oj
1 T vanilla
1 stick butter
1 1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs
Butter a 9x 3 inch round cake pan. Make the caramel: cook the sugar and corn syrup in a large skillet over medium high head, stirring occasionally until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is dark amber, 7-10 min.
Reduce heat to med. Carefully add the cream and 4 t butter (it will splatter) and cook, stirring, until combined about 3 minutes.
Remove skillet from heat and let sit 1 minute. Pour 1 1/2 cups caramel into a glass measuring cup and set aside. Pour the remaining caramel into prepared pan and set aside until set. About 30 minutes.
Cut 3 apples into quarters and cut out the cores with a paring knife. Arrange pieces skin side down in the pan to from a rind around the edge. Save any pieces that don't fit for later.
Halve the remaining whole apple crosswise and scoop out the seeds with a melon baller or spoon, leaving the stem on. Chop the bottom and any of the leftover quartered apples into pieces and set aside.
Arrange the apple top, stem side down in the center of the pan.
Pre heat oven to 350
Make the batter:
whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.
Whisk sour cream, oj and vanilla
Using a stand mixer beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
Crack the eggs in one at a time.
Add sour cream mixture
then flour mixture
Spread batter over the apples.
Top with apple pieces.
Bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Invert and serve with reserved caramel sauce.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
saturday fun
Friday, October 15, 2010
Fall Carnival
good day

Also had parent teacher conferences this morning. Always fun. Lu is doing well. She is in the high reading group, is a helper and compassionate to her friends and is cheerful and has lots to contribute. This is happy news as she is a big sassperilla at home and driving me a bit crazy as I try to figure out how to best parent her. I love my Sassy pants girl!
Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's raining today. The air smells fresh. Love it!
That's all :)