Thursday, May 19, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
music recital
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Today was a Sunday with a lot of meetings. When we finally got home we had lunch on the deck and then made everyone nap, mostly beacause we were exhausted. R and I slept for two hours. So did Jen. Sierra ended up playing with the kids. She and Lu had a pajama party, made cookies and played blokus. She also played with E and watched movies with them. They were all cheerful and smiley when we got up, which was so nice.
After dinner we went to the Martines' for Eric and Ellie's bday cake. The McCombs came too and we had a very fun time visiting together.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Divide and conquer
A rainy blur of chicklettes :) our last lacrosse morning. The boys are at soccer. Pictures at one park, team lunch, game in another county after. Then we will meet up to clean the church and tonight we are going to dinner with some friends.
While the cats away the mice will play, only the cat didn't end up leaving. Last night was the father and sons camp out so the girls invited friends over to celebrate :l The boys ended up not going so they joined in the fray.
Hannah had Ariel and Julia over and Lucy had Emily. We went to get pizza, painted, made jewelry and watched movies. The big girls slept over and spent the night trying on make up and doing least that is what they were doing when I went to bed.
This week was Big bubba's birthday. The kids had a fabulous time picking out gifts and then after work we went to Outback to celebrate. It was a low key celebration but fun. Work has been crazy busy for him lately and I was glad he could join us for any celebrating at all.
The weather has been so lovely lately. The other morning I looked out Han's window while I was getting her up and saw two deer frolicking in the pond. They played while I watched for a good 5 min jumping and chasing each other. While they are huge pests they sure were cute.
I can not believe in one month I'll be driving my girls to Utah! insert conflicted sigh filled with excitement for them and pride that they have grown up so nicely, and dread because I will miss them so.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
the joys of motherhood

reality: this morning H refused to get out of bed and when she did she got ready soooo slowly that she missed the bus. She had to get a ride from her father, who miraculously was actually home when we were getting ready.
E didn't like his socks, or his breakfast.
Lu cried while I brushed her hair and then didn't want me to leave her to go to work, even though she would be getting on the bus just 15 minutes later.
After school I came home to find that while Hannah did not do her afternoon chores she and her friends did have a water fight outside and the wet clothes she was wearing were inside on the carpet leaving a trail of water across the wood and a puddle of water in the bedroom.
E was nowhere to be found and not ready for soccer and Lu was crying about something.
When we finally got it together we went to soccer where H and Lu both had to pee, even though I told them to go before we left the house and so we had to use the outhouse at the park. sick.
E, who promised to leave soccer when I called and knew it would be before it was done, didn't actually want to leave when the time came. Then the children were HUNGRY, and didn't to go to church.
E changed into his scout uniform in the car and I said "quote", take off your jersey and leave it in the car so it won't get lost. He changed.
At church Lu cried because she wanted to stay with the Beehives and not come with me to clean the shed, then she cried because she didn't want to leave.
On the way home from church we got a call from Sierra saying that Jenna was stuck in the parking lot at work, she had locked her keys in her car..and her cell phone. When we got there E said "uh... I forgot my new jersey at church". What?! Why was it in the church? Well, it turns out he carried it in to show it off and then left it in the gym. I didn't know it was there because, silly me, I thought it was in the car.
J had to break in her car and get her keys, luckily her friends have skills. We watched. Then we came home where at 9:30 some of the children remembered they had homework, others wanted to watch a movie and one of them cried.
A far cry from my inner movie, although they are awfully cute when they are asleep.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Soccer clinic
Bub spent his evening at a DC United soccer clinic. Several of his friends also went and they had a great time. We got there and signed in and he ran off to play soccer while waiting for the clinic to start. That boy loves soccer.
After the clinic the kids lined up and got to meet several of the players and get autographs.
Lu and I went to watch. She played on the playground and practiced reading.
J took H to piano and then they hung out at home. Busy night.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
mother's day

We got ready and made it to church in time. The musical numbers and talks were very uplifting. I really love going to church.
When we came home we ate outside on the deck and then watched National Treasure 2.
After that was over we went on a Sunday drive and enjoyed some bird watching, beach hopping and talking together.
Dinner was served on the porch and littles put to bed early(ish). They were tired and really needed to get to bed on time tonight.
J, who slept all day, was just getting up :) When I came upstairs for bed I left her and Sierra curled up on the couch watching Jane Eyre. Sierra has been home a lot more lately and is doing so much better. She is preparing to move and I think she's excited about her next chapter.
Big and the kids gave me some thoughtful gifts. My favorite was a beautiful letter that Hannah wrote to me. I will treasure it always. I feel very blessed to be a mother, it is my greatest joy.

Saturday, May 07, 2011
senior prom
The kids started arriving at 5pm. It was so fun to see everyone's dresses and the boys looked so nice all spiffed up :)
We had tons of food and took tons of pictures.
Tonight after the prom several girls are coming back here to sleep over. I am looking forward to hearing how it went!
Yesterday I had an emergency call at work and had to leave early, we still didn't have a dress. Prom is all about the dress. Failure.
We searched high and low. Looked at friends to borrow. Cried a little. Took a pedi break to console ourselves and finally finally Casey's older sisters dress was found and fit. It is not modest. It fits. I suggested a "protective covering", she won't wear it. I am glad this is our last prom for many years.
So today it's beautiful out. We have two soccer games, a lacrosse game, a house to clean, a dinner for 22 kids to prepare and a pre prom dinner for said kids to host.
When that is done I will head to the church to help clean up from the YW fundraising dinner. Thank goodness we have awesome camp leaders and other YW leaders who are doing everything while I do nothing. Thanks friends!
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Cinco de mayo
In celebration of our love of Mexican food, and sombreros, and watching Jenna work, we went to Salsas for dinner. It was, as always, delicioso!
Lucy started jr jazzersize after school today. Big missed dinner because he had to work late.
dress drama is on going.
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Why do they not get a long this nicely at 4:30 in the afternoon??
we have a tragic situation developing. Weeks ago we ordered a beautiful, elegant prom dress for J. Prom is Saturday. The dress has not arrived. What will I do if it doesn't get here tomorrow?!
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Would you store a giant gumball in your stinky soccer cleat?
Me either but someone here thought it was a good idea.