Our days are made up of the little things. Ups and downs that make the rhythm of life.
This weekend J was doing her laundry. She had a new red shirt in with her load. You know where this story is going without me even finishing it. She now has a load of pink clothes. J, who loves clothes and spends all her own money enhancing her wardrobe had a "horrible loss." I went to switch the loads around and was the first to see the pink. J was in the kitchen cleaning up the lunch mess. I went in and told her. No she gasped and ran in to see the damage. I gave her a hug, I knew she was sad. J who is the only one in the house who would really care all that much about it is the one who now is pink :(
Getting ready for church this morning G found her fluffy coat, well found because H gave it to her out of the closet, and she loved it. She wore it and bounced into sacrament meeting and wouldn't take it off so she looked like a little Eskimo.
Today was the primary program. The kids were SO cute. E memorized his part and said it clear as a bell. He sang well. H did great.
Aiden took brother's seat during the middle of the program. E was heartbroken. He sat up there trying to be brave and his face just crumpled. That's the saddest look, crying while trying to be brave. DH went up and sat with him. It worked out fine in the end.
E scored two goals yesterday. One running down the field and weaving between other players. It was awesome.
H learned to ride her bike without training wheels.
Papa and Grandma took the big girls to the movies. Very fun.
H was invited to a birthday party. But she lost the invitation on the bus. We don't know the family and couldn't find their number. This was a cause of great sorrow all weekend. To add salt to the wound E went to a very cool b-day party at putt putt. H cried.
We've been having bedtime trouble so we have a chart. The magical tool of parenthood. 10 stickers earns you a reward. Kids have been going to bed, teeth brushed, jammied up and staying there. It's been great. E didn't earn a sticker last night though so H is one ahead. Which pleases her to no end.
Made pumpkin cookies after church today. They are so yummy and so easy. 3 ingredients. Can of pumpkin, box of spice cake mix, pkg of chocolate chips. Mix and bake for 12 minutes at 350. They are very tasty!
Friday DH and I went to temple. We got a call from a friend who had moved saying he was in Dallas and wanted to meet up for dinner. We met after and had a great visit with Chris Stirk. We miss their family and it was fun to see him.
Lucy knows how to say "mama" and "more". She's getting better.
Our rye grass is coming in and looking green.
My ankle is feeling a little better. I will be without boot at the wedding, which pleases me.
I'm reading a great book. It's been on our bookshelf for a long time, part of a boxed set of classics that I got at Sam's club one time, and have read some but not all. It's The Scarlet Pimpernel. I opened it up, read the first sentence, which was wonderfully written and completely captivating and I was drawn in. It's amazing how opening the pages of a good book can transport you to a different world. I sometimes walk by the book shelf and glance at the titles and smile at the friends sitting there. The magic of different times and different places. What would we do without books?