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Monday, October 23, 2006

a walk down memory lane

I've been looking through old pictures gathering ones that D wants for her wedding slideshow. These aren't winners but it was fun to see Halloweens from years ago.

This is D at 2 years old (1989). She was a clown. S and J both wore this costume in succeeding years.

Halloween 1992. D was a gypsy. S a good witch.

This is a good experiment on how to give pictures to my sister Anna. These are too grainy. I need a better method or the slideshow won't be nice. HHmmm?


Super Happy Girl said...

Look at her, so little, and now you baby is getting married.

Making slideshows is challenging, scanning, photoshopping, reducing, cropping, etc etc. But definitely worth it, and fun (after they come together). Hope is goes good for you.

Joyismygoal said...

So cute!!! Lovethat carpet,I think i had some like that. :} Look how much S looks like H. Wow !

Anonymous said...

No suggestions for you, but cute pictures. My brother and his bride put together a nice slide show with old photos at their wedding. They played after everyone was seated, right before the wedding party came in.

Amanda said...

What cute halloween photos. THanks for sharing. Good luck with the wedding plans, it sounds like a lot of fun!

nikko said...

I think the picture of D as the gypsy looks just like J! These are so fun. Good luck with all your wedding plans!