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Too Many To Count Two

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Whew! We made it through the wedding festivities!

Since we've gotten back from Utah it's been very busy. The girls had a lot of catching up to do at school. We had our open house to get ready for here and there's something else at the end of this month I need to pay attention to...what could it be? Oh yeah, Christmas. So not ready for that.

We spent the beginning of the week unpacking and washing a mountain of laundry. Then I shopped for the Open House. On Thursday my friend Tori and her daughter Emma and I went to clean mom's house. We spent a couple hours and it looked so nice when we were done.
Here was the weird thing, I went back the next day to do some decorating and it was still clean. Crazy. My mom had a cartoon on her fridge when I was a teenager and it said "cleaning the house while your kids are awake is like brushing your teeth while eating an Oreo". I discovered the secret however, I should clean one house and live in another.
Saturday morning my good friends Tori and Marcia showed up to help again. We chopped veggies and did some final decorating including lining the walk way with luminaries, which turned out so pretty.

D and Greg got back from their cruise and had a couple hours to change and get ready for the Open House. It was very fun to hear about the trip. Bob and LuAnn came here too and I was really glad about that. We had more time to visit and get to know one another. I really like them both and am glad that D will have such nice in-laws.

We had too much food at the reception, I never know how much to buy, but other than that it was just lovely. Lots of her friends came and lots of friends from the ward. It was nice to visit with everyone and I know it was fun and exciting for D.

After almost everyone left D and G opened their gifts. It was fun to watch. Lucy tried on D's boots and thought the were great!

Then we cleaned up. (Thanks for all your help Tori!) And we went home. Greg was a good sport and played x-box with brother. We sat up and talked a while and finally collapsed into bed.

This morning everyone went to church and I drove "the kids" to the airport. Their visit was way too quick, they have jobs and school and life to get back to though.

Everything went so well. I am so grateful for the help and support of dear friends and it was so fun to have everyone celebrate with us. Our friends Al and Ellen, who introduced DH and I years ago came and it was fun to catch up with them. The little kids had a wonderful time running around and blowing out the luminaries and the food was yummy.


Mel said...

Everything looks beautiful. You are an amazing woman!

Anne/kq said...

Good job, mom! And congratulations to the kids on their new life together, I think I didn't say it before. :)

nikko said...

It was so fun to see them together. Thanks for inviting us. :o)

Anonymous said...

Wow, busy, busy, busy. Good luck getting back into the swing of things.

Rachelle said...

Everything looks wonderful! What a fun time!

Joyismygoal said...

It was all so pretty (esp Dani) and they are so happy I know as a Mom you could not ask for more. :)

utmommy said...

I so wish we were there!