Fold My Laundry Please tagged me with a getting to know you meme.
1. What is your full name? super mommy
2. What are you most afraid of? flying, drowning, running out of my favorite toothpaste, to name a few.
3. What is the most recent movie that you’
ve seen in the theater? Amazing Grace
4. Where were you born? San Fransisco, CA
5. What is your favorite food? seafood, or chocolate, or......there are lots I love.
6. What is your natural hair color? Brown
7. Have you ever been to Alaska? No, but I would love to visit.
8. Have you ever toilet papered someone’s house? Yes, it was a favorite activity in my youth
9. Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes
10. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes.
11. Croutons or bacon bits? Both!
12. What is your favorite day of the week? Saturday…my husband is home and we’re free to go out and do something fun as a family.
13. What is your favorite restaurant?
hhmm, that's a hard one. I love PF Chang's lettuce wraps, I like Chili's menu, I like trying new things. Can't pick.
14. What is your favorite flower? I'm so
indecisive I guess, all these favorites are hard. I love wisteria. I also love
bouquets like I got last week from my MIL of mixed with some exotic, colorful flowers. Very pleasing!
15. What is your favorite sport to watch? soccer
16. What is your favorite sport to play? walking
17. What is your favorite drink? water
18. What is your favorite ice cream? mint chip
19. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney
20. Have you ever been on a ship? like a cruise ship? No
21. What color is your bedroom carpet? Dark Brown
22. How many times did you fail your driver’s test? None
23. Who was your last e-mail from? some spam site
24. When is your usual bedtime? 11-
ish25. What is your favorite TV show? Amazing Race
26. Who was the last person you went to dinner with? Dani, Greg,
MSV and her R
27. What are your favorite colors? red, green
28. How many tattoos/piercings do you have and where and what are they? only my ears are pierced.
29. How many pets do you have? two dogs
30. List something you would like to do before you die. go on a mission
31. Have you ever been to Hawaii? twice, it's very fun.
32. Have you ever been to countries outside of the US? France, Spain and Canada
33. What were you/will you be doing at 31 and 32 years old? H was born the year I turned 31. We were living in TX and I was serving in
okay I tag, (pause for a big sigh because sometimes I don't love these so much), I pick my
joyismygoal, three blond boys, I Have a Good Life and my sister A