Do you remember high school and the kind of stinky
ness of it at times? I do. And with teenagers I get to re-remember the parts I blocked out :)
We had a day of
teenagery activity. This morning I drove S to
EFY at
UNT, after a few vital and critical last minute errands. She went last year and had SO MUCH FUN! This year we wanted to send J and S w/ friends. Sadly the session we tried for was full and this week was girls camp so J couldn't go but S said she wanted to even if she had to go alone. We got there and found her room and got her settled...and then the uncertainty started. Her roommate wasn't there yet, and what if she never showed up, or what if S made no friends, and what if she wanted to come back home with me. So I waited with her, and told her it would be great, and she was friendly and fun, etc. Finally though I had to go because J had the kids and she had another baby-sitting job at 2. Luckily just then her friend Z
texted and they agreed to meet somewhere and "be bored together", which was good because yesterday they weren't speaking (remember having a boy for a friend that you kind of liked but kind of weren't sure about and all that drama?) So I left with my fingers crossed and went home.
When I got home I found J and the kids and a few extra teens. I love having extras around but not when I am not there so I reviewed the rules with J and the consequences, and she was sorry and helped clean up. And now she understands the absolutely dire consequences that will come with any further infractions.
Then she went off to watch P-man and Lou napped and I took the kids swimming. Then Lou woke up and joined us.
Next we had the student council getting to know you swim thing which I was driving J and friends to. They arrived at our house and we filled the car with wet kids and laughing loud girls and drove to the house where the festivities were to be. For those of you not from TX everything here really is bigger. You can drive a good 15-20 minutes to get to someones house in your ward or school. This was the case. I got there, it was packed, they hopped out, I drove home, the phone rang, "can you come get us?", no questions asked, "yep", I drove back. I went inside to find the girls and it was packed. Lots of kids, lots of noise. Outside by the pool I saw my three little freshmen girls sitting together, chatting. They looked happy to see me. The poor boy sitting alone at the table looked like he wished he were somewhere else as well.
one great thing about being grown and married is you always have someone to sit with a party, someone to go to the movies with, and a car to leave places you'd rather not be.

I am glad those days are over for me, and hope I can be there for the kids as they go through it...and that I will remember and
S later
texted that her roommate got there and she was cool. Whew!
J and girls are
happily swimming at Sophia's pool. Whew.
Tomorrow's another day.
Right now Lucy wants me to read her a "
boup", so off I go... you gotta love a two year old :)