This would be perfect weather for camping. My friend Good Life and her family go camping and do outdoorsy stuff all the time. When ever she tells me about it I remember that I like to camp, or I did and I think I should take my kids. This would have been a good weekend because we have a bye in soccer and a week off in karate and the weather is perfect~ coolish but certainly not cold. But
- we don't actually own a lot of camping gear.
- the kids saved up tickets and invited friends to spend the night.
- tomorrow is the women's broadcast so we would have had to come home early.
- DH isn't much of a camper and the couple times we've tried it have kind of been a disaster.
This is funny to me because I used to consider myself quite the camper, but I might not be any more. When I was growing up we went camping every summer, for a week at the beach. And it was really the highlight of my childhood. It was SOOOOOO fun. I can not even say how fun it was. My good friend and camping buddy forEVER, Julia, is now in my ward (so fun) and every time we are together or on the phone we remember how F.U.N. it was. When my big girls were little girls we camped, several times a year. And it was always very fun.
Now when we go on vacation we stay in hotels, also very fun and, may I say, not: cold, lumpy, hard, wet, loud, buggy, uncomfortable, hard to set up, long to take down, or any other of the fun things that camping is. It's a different phase in life I guess. ...I do think we may camp in the north east, whenever we move, but maybe in cabins...a happy compromise.
So tonight J is baby-sitting, S is at a football game. K is spending the night with E and they are playing x-box, G,H and Alexis are outside catching frogs in the dark and everyone is happy as can be. Soon I'll put the baby to bed and the girls will make rice krispie treats and I will watch Survivor, DVR'ed from yesterday and it'll be good :)
*edited to say, I am very sad, this season of my second favorite show has SO much nudity that they blur the screen half the time. I am not going to watch anymore. It just doesn't have that fun adventure feeling. I haven't seen that much b**b in the nursing lounge ~come on it's family tv time!!
My husband and I were both avid campers, and since we've been married I can count on one hand how many times we've been camping. (I dont' think I'd do very well today sleeping on the ground!!!!) I prefer a nice bed in a warm hotel ; )
Enjoy the broadcast--I'm sure looking forward to it.
Well..we did it. We went...but it is a HUGE hassle and it was still too hot and LD got a fever and I didn't get back in time for the broadcast at the Stake Center and had to watch it on my TV (Thank goodness for BYUTV!). So..are you sure you want to camp?
But...all that aside..we spent good, quality time together without a tv, phone, or work concerns. We also had yummy campfire food and watched the sun set over a lake. We also had a duck that wouldn't leave are campsite. Isn't that what memories are made of?
Sorry..I do know how to write...replace "are" with "our"..I guess only three hours of sleep last night is catching up with my writing!
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