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Too Many To Count Two

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ward Christmas party.
The nativity scene. I was an angel. Alec is a shepard. I can't really see the people but I would bet that Brian Volmer is the other shepard and maybe Matt Banfield. The other angel is probably Carol Markham and I think Lana is Mary, Alan Markham is Joseph and Adam and Stan and someone are the wise men. I'm just guessing.
End of story.

....maybe I should have grown up in Alaska ;)


SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Yeah, Alaska was a fun place to grow up and my mom was a photo fanatic, but we NEVER did a nativity play in the branch, so you've got me there!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

your kids are so lucky you have every moment possible recorded I wish I had started way earlier