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Thursday, January 01, 2009

randomly starting the new year

scrubbing the grout...don't you wish you spent the holiday's with us ;)

playing with the Chi
the Cooks and the Elders came over for some yummy Cincinnati chili and some new years day games.
Other random things.
I love looking out my window and across the road and seeing the neighbors lit up deer on their lawn. So cute!
When I watch the Ace of Cakes now I totally have a bigger appreciation for how hard it is to make those beautiful cakes.
Sprite and SunnyD ~ yummy together!
I like our new carpet.
sorting socks~ not my strong suit
Beloved is an awesome fast and really good painter.
I like Burt's Bees
another year, another resolution to get in shape
Millie is a good dog
I'll be sad to see our vaca end. It's been a lot of work but fun to have everyone here doing it together.
The End
2009~ one day done, 364 great ones to go!


SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Happy New Year to you Texans. . . although will you still be Texans when you move? If not, you can join me in making fun of Texas, ha, ha. . .you have too many friend there to ever do that! (and you're too nice!)

Yvonne said...

Great way to start the year.

Sorting socks is not a favorite of mine either ; )

lera said...

When you say "Cincinnati Chili," do you mean, by chance, Skyline chili (gagging)???

I had a bad morning sickness experience with that while living in Columbus.