Thursday, April 30, 2009
S had no school today. With TAKS testing all the seniors had late arrival all week and today just didn't have to go. I had made an appointment to get her senior pictures taken. She's been putting it off and reluctant since last summer. We went to Memorable Moments Photography and Kristin did SUCH an awesome job. She was so fun and full of energy. S had a very fun time and she got some great shots. I can't wait to see them off the camera. I would totally, whole heartedly recommend anyone go to her. She was wonderful.
The sonic guys have very funny commercials~ random and I'm just saying but they crack me up.
We have had 22 showings, been on the market for four months, and have had literally thousands of hits on the website and still we own this lovely home and pool and income generating tower :( Today we lowered the price again.
J went to the doctor yesterday. She is hypoglycemic. Which is a bummer but totally manageable so good. And in other news she's decided what to do with her hair this summer. Low lights, purple streak and bangs.
Swine flu is causing quite a stir around here. FWISD as closed all their campus until May 11th! That's a long time. Our school district hasn't yet.
24 more school days until summer!
lastly, in 1968, the year I was born, a school lunch at EMSISD was $0.30 . Today it's $1.75.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
missionary field trip
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
brownie peanut butter cups

3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup butter
1 T water
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 egg
1/2 t vanilla
1 cup flour
1/4 t baking soda
1/2 cup peanut butter chips plus 1/3 more for garnish
1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips plus 1/3 more for garnish
3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
preheat oven to 350. prepare 12 muffin cups
in large microwave safe bowl combine sugar, butter and water. Microwave on high for 1 minute or until butter is melted. Stir in 3/4 cup chocolate chips until melted. Stir in egg and vanilla. Add flour and baking soda, stirring until blended. Allow to cool to room temp then stir in 1/2 cup each peanut butter chips and chocolate chips. Spoon batter by heaping tablespoons into muffin cups.
Bake for 13-15 minutes or until top is set and toothpick inserted into center comes out slightly wet. Cool.
Center of brownies will fall, if not tap with back of spoon to make a hole.
Place peanut butter in a small microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for 45 seconds then stir. While brownies are still hot, spoon about a tablespoon of peanut butter into the center. Top with chips.
Cool and eat!
monte cristo sandwiches
Sunday, April 26, 2009
a picture is worth a thousand words
We have a lot of boxes of cereal in our pantry. Since we're moving in a little over a month I've been trying to use stuff up so I decide a week or so ago that I would not buy any more cereal until this is all gone. Slowly boxes have been emptied out. This morning we finished off the dregs of 3 different boxes and consolidated two like cereals so now we only a few a boxes left. I gathered up the empty boxes and other kitchen trash and bagged it up to take out.
While I was walking out to the trash I was thinking to myself what cool, breezy weather we were having. Not at all unpleasant. The sky is gray, which I don't mind, and the trees are gently blowing. I got the trash out and turned to come back inside when I heard an engine noise in the sky. We live by several airports and one military base so this is not unusual. It was a small plane. I always look up to see what's flying overhead. This was small, two wings, mostly gray but it had a red tail. The clouds were mostly gray and were moving in the same direction as the plane. It was a neat picture to see this little splash of red and a plane outlined against a moving sky. If I had a camera I would have tried to catch it. I probably would have missed:)
Now I won't forget though and it took me less than 300 words :)
this and that
Our house has had some lookers. Yesterday we had some that seem like a good fit to us, but it's not up to us so we'll see. Hopefully soon.
Yesterday B took the three littles to see Monsters vs Aliens. All liked it.
S and I went to help cook dinner for youth conference.
Friday Sierra and Kenz went to 6 Flags. They had fun day, they said the park was empty and they walked on to what ever they wanted to ride. Perfect :)
J went to youth conf this weekend. Yesterday they all volunteered at Special Olympics. I think the event went well. At the end J got sick, heat exhaustion I guess. When they got back to the church, where I was cooking, she was shaky and red but feeling better than before. I brought her home and she cooled down and ate and then slept. She said this morning she feels exhausted. Poor thing :( One Wednesday she has an appointment with the doctor, for an unrelated reason, and I think I'm going to have him run some labs, she's been having this shaky problem and even though I know this time was heat related I just want to make sure she's fine. Maybe she's anemic, or has low blood sugar or something that we can take some steps to make sure she feels great all the time.
This morning Lucy and I watched a PBS special on kite-photography, it was so interesting.
Friday I bought a new tangerine colored summer jacket that I really like. It's a fun color.
Trying out a new dessert recipe in a minute.
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
first swim (literally)
i HEART Texas: reason 758

The water was a tad bit cold at first:)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Japanese Festival

one of lifes blessings

Lucky is the little girl who is wanted and nurtured and loved by two parents who are wonderful and bright and kind. That is the great blessing that I was given at the beginning of my mortal life. I am very thankful that Heavenly Father sent me to my parents. They are awesome!
I have many wonderful memories of growing up in my family. I was the first of many children and was never lonely. From when I was small I remember walking to the park and playing. I remember "helping my mom" take care of my little brother. I remember bringing home a little grey fuzz ball kitten that we named Heidi. She lived for 18 years and was a great cat. I remember going to the beach and playing with my friend Julie while our parents chatted:)
When I was 5 years old my parents got baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Even though I was small I can remember kneeling by the font and watching them and what a happy day that was. I did not know then what an important moment that was for our family and how life changing and life giving that would be. Thanks to their willingness to listen, and obedience to Heavenly Father's commandments my brothers and sisters and I have had the tremendous blessing of growing up in the gospel. Of having family home evening, of reading from the scriptures together, of having the guidance and safety of the commandments to help us find our way through life. We did, and now our children do, and shortly our children's children. My parents were very anxious to share the good news with their families. No one wanted to listen but they didn't give up and I do have one cousin and his sweet wife who joined the church. Now they have the same thing happening in their family as their children have enjoyed those blessings and their children.
One of my favorite things we did growing up was camping at El Capitan State Beach each summer. It was SOOOOO fun. I loved everything about it. I loved walking down to the beach and smelling licorice (some plant had a very distinct black licorice smell~ I don't know what it was but it always reminds me of camping when I smell licorice now). I loved laying on the sand and watching boys walk by. I loved playing in the waves. One particularly memorable time we were out in a little raft and a seal swam up and bumped our raft with his nose. Kind of scary but cool. (and maybe that was at Carpenteria but still so cool :)) I loved walking to the peacock store to buy ice cream. We ran around and had fun for a whole week!!
I also remember well the trip we took to France so dad could do genealogy. We were there for most of a summer and got to meet relatives and watch Kung Fu in French and see where dad grew up. It was awesome. One place we visited we got to stay in a castle, the home of our rich relatives. Their son, Phillip, who I thought was cute, took Alec and I out in the city for a walk. We walked and looked around and came upon a group of dancers that we stopped to watch. They were the Young Ambassadors from BYU! It was so fun to see them and to say hi :) Another home we visited, of some not so rich relatives, had an outdoor WC, which was just a pile of dirt and poo by the house. We went out to relieve ourselves in pairs. One to do the doo and the other to wield a long stick and keep the cows away from the pile. Then we'd switch. Gross but memorable.
Summers and holidays were spent in San Fransisco. Daily trips to Golden Gate park, walks to the beach (many many many blocks away), the shining golden dome of the Russian Orthodox church gleaming in the sun, laying in bed upstairs at night listening to voices drifting upstairs of my grandparents, parents, uncle and friends, playing with MaKaKa, collecting snails, Baba Olya and Baba Katya in the kitchen cooking, sitting by Baba Olya and at the table (she always sat at the kids end), Deda fishing, Marina coming to visit with a treat for the kids, going to San Bruno to have dinner and play with Mitzi and Pom Pom, walking on the rooftops, getting bagels, the smell of the city all these things make up the memories of my youth.
Dad often took me on "dates" to McDonalds. Which we both loved. During the annual Father/ Son outing mom would let sleep in her bed with her and in the evening we would go out with Lana and Sis. D. L and I got to pick. Naugalls hot fudge sundaes and trips to the library were often the pick of choice!
One of my jobs growing up was to clean the kitchen. Many, many times Dad would come and help me and we would talk about life while our hands were submerged in warm soapy water.
I also got to "help" mom sew. I would push the pedal and talk about school, she would do the rest...until I forgot my job and just sat by her to talk.
I remember coming in their room at night after dances or dates to tell about the evening, and kneeling in a circle in family prayer in our living room, and planting a garden, and picking fruit at the welfare farm and laughing at mom and her irrational fear of moths and and and...
Their love and support didn't stop when I was grown. As an adult I have enjoyed sharing my life with them. Having them know my children and have been grateful that they could have a wonderful relationship with them. Seeking refuge in their loving arms when times are hard, getting advice, laughing together, going to the temple together, and many other precious times too many to list.
On my birthday today I am grateful to them for teaching me and loving me and being the best parents in the world!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
a butter queen miracle
I am hopeful that these cute girls of mine might some day find wonderful men to marry...with their present table manners I am not too sure though.
So with this hope in mind and in the interest of promoting polite society we have been working on it. Maybe I need a manners boot camp?
"but why don't we put our elbows on the table?" is a question I have heard more than once.
answer: I don't know but we just don't.
last night's small miracle, a recipe from Paula Deen, who I love because she laughs easily, cooks with ingredients I've actually heard of and it always turns out yummy, and is a cute grandmay lady. Everyone liked it. Some had seconds, no one cried.
Short Ribs
3 pounds ribs
House Seasoning, recipe follows
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
Beef Broth
2 cloves garlic, chopped
Salt and pepper
1 large onion, sliced
White Rice
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Season ribs using House Seasoning. Lightly dust with flour. In a Dutch oven, place a small amount of oil and brown ribs on each side. Add half water and half beef broth to cover ribs. Bring to a boil. Remove ribs from the Dutch oven and place in a casserole dish. To ribs, add the garlic, salt, pepper, onions, and broth, to taste. Cook ribs in oven for 2 hours. Serve over buttered white rice.
House Seasoning:
1 cup salt
1/4 cup black pepper
1/4 cup garlic powder
Mix ingredients together and store in an airtight container for up to 6 months.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
diddle diddle dumpling

House is still up for sale. April- the end of summer is supposed to be the busy season so I am crossing my fingers, keeping it clean and saying my prayers. I HOPE HOPE HOPE it sells. I don't know what we'll do if we don't have an offer by June. The kids and I are supposed to travel to Utah to visit the familia and I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to go. Stress.
Had Lu's friends over yesterday. The weather was warm and lovely and they played outside for a couple hours. I dragged them in to do preschool and they quickly got into story time, writing their "J"s and making a diddle diddle dumpling book.
I made banana bread with some very black bananas. It's been a bit of a pain to cook because my collection of cook books is packed and when I need a recipe that I don't know I have to google and look for something that looks similar to what I remember mine to be. So I ended up trying a new BBread and it was yummy, kind of dense and sweet but everyone liked it. Late last night, after karate and other things that caused us to linger way too long we gathered at the table and had a snack. Lu had on her formal sleep wear, complete with fancy gloves. She read her book for us.
Got a suprise fun card from my friend Krista in the mail. Her family is getting so big and it was so great to hear from her!!
Monday, April 13, 2009

In those early morning hours I heard giggles and running and excited voices, by the time I cracked my eyes open there was a little pile of chocolate on my nightstand that was "shared" with me. Such sweet littles I have :)
We had breakfast and a bit of lazy morning. I didn't have much cooking to do because we had left overs from the nights party ready for our evening meal. I did make a jell-o and then a salad after church but the rest just had to be heated up, or placed on the table.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
chocolate coma, frilly dresses, friends to share a meal with, all those things are wonderful and joyfull.
Our true joy comes from the gift of the Atonement and He who made it possible. This day we rejoice in the good news that the bands of death have been broken and that we too can live again.
Happy Easter
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Party

We hunted eggs. The kids had a blast. Ate some most yummy food. After dinner we played games and the children played. Mostly outside. We ended up with a lightening/rain storm and then they played inside.
It was a very fun Easter. Thanks for coming!

playing at Nikko's!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
PACE project
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
synchronized bathroom cleaning

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
this and that
- boxes crossing the Atlantic. We made a "care package" for Papa and Grandma and sent it off to Belgium. Unknown to us they sent "Easter" chocolates to us at the same time. How fun to get boxes back and forth the same week!!
- Lucy's little toe nail is almost off (Gross)
- house has had several showings! including two today!!
- went to the mall this morning while Lu was at Emmie's. I got Brother some shorts and pjammies. He's grown and needs new clothes so he won't look like a scarecrow. Almost bought Lu a cute little sundress at Sears.
- had two occasions to call Lands End about problems with orders and both times they were helpful, friendly and quick. What are the odds?!? Two thumbs up for Lands End :)
- my brother and SIL went on a cruise two weeks ago. My in laws went last week. Both had a great time!
- S, J and Millie, and I went for walk last night. I made a new vow to do something good for my body every day. That should be easy enough right?
FHE lesson! empty tomb cookies
1 teaspoon vinegar
3 egg whites
1 pinch salt
1 cup sugar
1Preheat oven to 300 degrees--you MUST do it now. Also, gather a cooking mallet, kitchen mixer, masking tape and Bible.
2Read John 19:1-3 ~ Jesus was beaten for our sins; beat the nuts with a cooking mallet; set aside.
3Read John 19:28-30 - Jesus drank something like vinegar (gall), sniff the fragrance, dip finger in and taste, too; place the vinegar in a mixing bowl.
4Read John 10:10-11 - Egg whites symbolize Jesus' holy, innocent life; add whites to the bowl with the vinegar.
5Read Luke 23:27 - the bitter tears of the women; taste a few grains, remember your own sins; add the salt to the bowl.
6Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16 - Sweet salvation! Taste and see; add to the bowl.
7Crank up the mixer and let it go while you read from Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3; let the mixer go for about 12-15 MINUTES; this needs to be VERY stiff!
8Read Matthew 27:57-60 - Fold the nuts into the egg-sugar mixture; this symbolizes the rocks in the garden.
9Using a scoop or knife & spoon, drop by spoon into mounds (to resemble a rocky tomb); put into the oven and turn it OFF!
10Read Matthew 27:65-66 - The tomb is sealed; use two pieces of tape (5-6 inches long) to "seal" the door edges (symbolically).
11Read John 16:20 & 22 - Consider these passages, then go to bed!
12NEXT MORNING: Read Matthew 28:1-9 - Jesus is risen! Behold--the empty tomb! Unseal the oven door, take out the cookies, break or bite one in half -- it should be hollow inside---empty---just like the Tomb!
13He is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!
The kids liked it and although we were skeptical this morning we woke up and indeed there were cookies with a hollow midlde and tasted yummy. A little crunchy and fun.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Friday, April 03, 2009
TV and stuff

Yesterday was Brother's field trip. We went to an IMAX movie. It was a lot of fun. He's very silly with his friends and they are cute and interested in everything.
Last night I watched the last episode of ER (while folding a mountain of laundry), Beloved watched with me (while doing our taxes on the lap top). When the show first came out I LVOED it and watched it every week. When Beloved and I were dating we watched together, he was also a fan. In fact I remember one episode very well. We had been dating a few weeks and I went to a softball game that he was in. When it was over I went home and he went to his house and showered and then came over to watch. It was on at 10pm and the little girls were all asleep(here in TX it's 9pm ~ central time zone). It was during that watching that we had our first kiss. Aaah, the memories :) I watched faithfully for many years, then after a while I stopped. It was about the time that Mark Greene died. I had grown tired of all the drama and death and all the diseases I imagined I might have after seeing their symptoms on TV :) Earlier this week I saw a commercial saying this was the end and I thought I'd go ahead a tune in. They had brought back a lot of original cast members and it was fun to see how they had changed, gotten older. It was fun to "catch up".
Wednesday, April 01, 2009