In those early morning hours I heard giggles and running and excited voices, by the time I cracked my eyes open there was a little pile of chocolate on my nightstand that was "shared" with me. Such sweet littles I have :)
We had breakfast and a bit of lazy morning. I didn't have much cooking to do because we had left overs from the nights party ready for our evening meal. I did make a jell-o and then a salad after church but the rest just had to be heated up, or placed on the table.

I also enjoyed several wonderful phone calls. We talked to Grandma and Papa on Skpe and got to hear about their adventures. I chatted with Dani while watching Amazing Race with S and J and they chatted and laughed second person! But the best call was from Anna. She's pregnant!! Yeah!!! I am so thrilled and happy for her. What wonderful Easter news!
This is a big baby year for our family Em had little Natalia in Jan. Dani and Greg are expecting Ziggs in August and now A3 will be arriving in Dec!! I wonder if she'll have a boy or girl? We have a very girl family. Dad had 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Two of the boys died as infants. The two girls had 1 and 2 sons but Dad and his brother had mostly girls. Laurent had 3 daughters. Dad had 6 daughters and 2 sons. Of those 2 sons one has a daughter and the other no children. I have 5 daughters and 1 son. MSV has two and two. Em has a girl. That makes the grand kid count 9 girls and 3 boys and great grands 1 girl. I think Anna will have a boy, but either would be very welcome!
another fun baby addition our cousin Allison, who is Anna's birthday twin :) is also expecting!! Yeah!
Yeah Anna!!!!!
Yeah yeah Anna is right!!!
i hope h recovers Quickly need any movies:) Easter was so quiet this year i was glad to go to your party
Love the color coordinated Easter baskets!!
We need those girls somewhere! Every sister in my ward (there are 7 pregnant right now) are having boys. Another friend of ours is grandmother to 11 grandsons, and 2 granddaughters. She wants more girls!
How exciting for your sister, anna.
Your Easter baskets look so pretty.
Sounds like you had a wonderful day--hope H's ankle is o.k. So glad you got to talk to your parents.
Oh my goodness! Hooray for Anna! If we were a little closer maybe ours could be birthday twins/cousins too. Did I mention how much I love those Easter shots of your kids in the fields? Looks like you had a great one this year.
I'm glad you had a great Easter! I am so happy for Anna! So exciting! (You know that Dani and I are birthday twins- 1 year apart, right? so are Andrea and my dad March 5 and Jenna and Alisa Dec 14-so fun!) I know what you mean about a lot of girls in your family- we have so many too but - Julia is a super exception, with just one girl. I was super nervous cause Tim comes from a super girl family and I do too and he was the last Wendler! We had to have a boy some time and now that we have Miles, the pressure is off. :) Boys and girls are both great!
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