this one who slept with me every night until he was 5, who is so cute and charming and funny, who is spoiled rotten, who I lay with every night and read out loud with, who always wants me to go on his field trips and help in his class, who thinks I am the best cook in the world (when he is not hating my food), the one
I gave birth to and caught with my own two hands as he slipped into the world in the front seat of our suburban on a hot june morning in down town Ft Worth (for heaven's sakes!)....well, this summer he will be a cub scout. And he gets to go to camp!
Last night I told him the good news and said "guess what! you get to go to cub scout camp and I get to go with you!"
and guess what....he doesn't want me to.
He said it would be embarrassing
crushed, broke my heart. Even after I told him
all the moms have to take a shift he still said he didn't want me to go.
WHAT?? I thought I was going on his mission with him to tuck him and his companion in at night, and to college to pick out his outfits in the morning and approve his dates.
This is a very unexpected and sudden turn of events...and not at all to my liking.
sigh, looking back I guess I should have seen it coming since this fall he told me not to kiss him good-bye at the bus stop any more. Who said they could grow up so fast???