Yesterday we went to the Martines' home for home made pizza and playing. It was great! I am grateful for their friendship and always good company :) We also went to iHop for breakfast and did some shopping in the middle. Our sweet Ghanaian neighbor had a baby boy a few days ago. We made dinner for them and took it over. The kids were excited to see the baby and we took them a super cute little jammie with jungle animals all over it. Their favorite food is goat, but since I don't have any good goat recipes I had to make something else. Hopefully they liked PW lasagna okay.
Monday was a playing in the remaining snow day. J had a doctor appointment and got her "going to college" shot. That went well and she didn't even feel faint. We went to visit the Smith's and had a good visit. The kids really enjoyed shovelling their driveway. Bro Smith is pretty frail and the chemo is taking a toll on him but he was happy to see us and Diane was in good spirits.
Tonight we are having some new friends over for dinner. Big is manning the grill. I am in charge of veggies and dessert.
1 comment:
Glad you had such a fun day with your girls- they are such beautiful daughters- Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up?
And- a be-lated Happy Birthday to Sierra- if she won't think that is weird :)
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