Saturday, February 26, 2011
celebratory dance

SO Jenna got into PROVO!!!!!! I am so excited and thrilled and happy and proud of her. I will miss her so much and am I a little jealous but mostly I am just glad for her new adventure and the wonderful time she will have. I can't wait to hear all about it. I can't wait to visit her dorm. She has worked really hard and I am so pleased. GO COUGARS!!!!
Last night I got a droid. I have no idea how to use it. I am very excited, I've been wanting one, even though it is a complete extravagance. Big and I went on a date, we went to the very noisy Cheeseburger in Paradise, and talked about the kids (as usual), one in particular a lot. Sierra, come on girl you know better. Then we went to the Verizon store. When we got home I was the baby sitter driver and it was funny, I had to leave my phone behind because Big was setting it up and I felt so weird going out the door, like "how can I drive down the road without my phone" naked. I remembered my childhood and playing in the back yard with Alec, we often played Star Trek. We would take my barrettes and they were our communicators. Never in a million years did I think that technology was anything but the thing of science fiction fantasy. Today I walk around with a computer in my purse, I can call anyone, I can look up anything, I can have music or movies of books at the tip of my finger. I am used to the technology but still it is miraculous! Who would have thought?
Little had a soccer game this morning at 7. I was a bad mom and didn't get up to watch, Big was the hero and took him and while I felt a little bad I didn't care that much. Dirty little secret, I like to sleep, even if that means I miss soccer game # 1042 in his little life. I love to watch him play soccer...at 9am. Now they are at a team practice at the drill hall, then Big will go fly missions. I will clean the house, do some laundry and take a trip to Old Navy to exchange the pants I bought my boy the other night. He is the only child I have ever had that has to get new pants not because he outgrows them but because he rips out the knees. He goes through more jeans...hey, Mr Levi Strauss what's up with that??
The sun is out, it's not warm yet but I have hope. I rented a cabin at Hershey park for two nights during spring break, not a luxury one but a camping one. Looking so forward to that. Love me some spring break!! Also really looking forward to our Beach week!! and in less than a month I'll have Tate in my arms and will be smothering her in Mimi kisses!! Can't wait to meet Reggie, and Joneaux and Jose. Looking forward to the wedding and seeing the whole fam!!
Lots to look forward to!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
pots on the stove

Tonight we are making home made spaghetti sauce, eggplant parm, artichokes and for dessert fresh coconut. The boy is looking forward to hitting it with a screw driver :)
Everything is ready, we're just waiting for the big guy to get home.

The girls had piano lessons today. Lu is busy playing with her squishy squashies while waiting to eat.
We had fun skype with Dani and Tate.
Good day :)
Monday, February 21, 2011
time flies

After we went to the mall and looked around, didn't buy anything.

In the meantime the rest of the family got together with the McCombs. Maggie and Lu played all day at their house, under Katie's watchful eye. The rest of the gang took off to do some mountain biking. H and E both reported having a great time. I think most of the day was spent playing out in the woods and riding bikes for all. After I got back I joined them and we had a lovely dinner and then a camp fire in the backyard.

In the meantime the rest of the family got together with the McCombs. Maggie and Lu played all day at their house, under Katie's watchful eye. The rest of the gang took off to do some mountain biking. H and E both reported having a great time. I think most of the day was spent playing out in the woods and riding bikes for all. After I got back I joined them and we had a lovely dinner and then a camp fire in the backyard.
So I am falling behind on laundry and cleaning, but the kids are getting played with and taken care of.
Friday, February 18, 2011

I love the sights and sounds of spring.

We had a busy week. Wednesday was the pine wood derby, and activity days, and YW. After that Big took H on a daddy daughter date. When she got home, at 9:00, she "remembered" she had a 15 page assignment due the next day. Big went to bed, because he had an early morning mission. I stayed up to help.
Thursday night was monthly night of ministry. I had a good visit with one of my sweet Laurels.
This morning Big went biking.
Now we have a three day weekend!!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
spring where forth art thou?
last night we were awoken by the sounds of a child throwing up outside our bedroom door.
Like life long partners we sprung from the bed, without a word passing between us. Big grabbed E and ran to the toilet, sadly spewing a trail of vomit behind them :(
And we started our middle of the night cleaning ritual. I helped our boy to the shower, got clean clothes, stripped the bed and cleaned the toilet and the tile.
Big grabbed the carpet steamer and began cleaning the trail.
Eventually he was tucked back into a freshly made bed, the carpet was clean, the washer was running, we changed jammies and washed hands and got back into bed.
I was hope hope hoping that he would be fine in the morning. Today I was supposed be going on a field trip, to the beach, where it would be cold but fun. Instead I had to call in for a sub, again. Second time in the four weeks I've had a job. 2 other days Lu was sick and sweet Michelle kept her, and 1 day Han was sick and I left her home alone. (she is almost 12).
What is the deal?
I can not wait for fresh air, sunshine, warm weather, spring break, healthy children!
Like life long partners we sprung from the bed, without a word passing between us. Big grabbed E and ran to the toilet, sadly spewing a trail of vomit behind them :(
And we started our middle of the night cleaning ritual. I helped our boy to the shower, got clean clothes, stripped the bed and cleaned the toilet and the tile.
Big grabbed the carpet steamer and began cleaning the trail.
Eventually he was tucked back into a freshly made bed, the carpet was clean, the washer was running, we changed jammies and washed hands and got back into bed.
I was hope hope hoping that he would be fine in the morning. Today I was supposed be going on a field trip, to the beach, where it would be cold but fun. Instead I had to call in for a sub, again. Second time in the four weeks I've had a job. 2 other days Lu was sick and sweet Michelle kept her, and 1 day Han was sick and I left her home alone. (she is almost 12).
What is the deal?
I can not wait for fresh air, sunshine, warm weather, spring break, healthy children!
Monday, February 14, 2011
2 valentines
Jenna broke up with Cameron, the tall.
There was great sadness in the land...for a few hours.

until Robert, the not as tall, but much more handsome, called and invited her to come to Ledo's because he wanted to make her dinner.
He made a heart shaped pizza with heart shaped pepperoni and a little note asking her to the snowball. And look he even cut out snowflakes. What a clever, nice, young man.
She said yes.
I took pictures.
All's well that ends in pepperoni hearts!
There was great sadness in the land...for a few hours.

until Robert, the not as tall, but much more handsome, called and invited her to come to Ledo's because he wanted to make her dinner.
He made a heart shaped pizza with heart shaped pepperoni and a little note asking her to the snowball. And look he even cut out snowflakes. What a clever, nice, young man.
She said yes.
I took pictures.
All's well that ends in pepperoni hearts!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
a blurr

E was invited by Justin and his Dad to go to an indoor pool and rock climbing wall. He was excited, everyone was sad.
Now it's time for chores :(
Friday, February 11, 2011
a fun family night

Tonight Big brought home a "present" of a big box of bubble wrap, which FYI I love :). He knows me well, my man. It was part present part apology (this morning we had a short and lively discussion about who should iron his shirts, and how they should be laundered) and wholly perfect. I am not saying he was in the wrong, I am saying that he was the one kind enough to come home bearing gifts.
We were all elated, the kids spread it all around and jumped on it. Big and I jumped too. Then they started doing hand games and the squeals and frolicking got going full force.
We all popped and hopped to our hearts content, and there are bubbles left for tomorrow.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
late arrival

After school I picked up the kids and we ran to Michaels, our February Family Project is due tomorrow and we hadn't started it.
Then we came home, ate dinner, did the project and began homework and valentine writing.
I like my job and really don't mind working, what I mind is the time away from home and the catch up we can't quite get to each day. Glitter, legos, laundry and books litter the floor. Cooking and laundry and shopping and scrubbing still needs to get done. Play dates and story time and homework and talking still need to happen.
That's the hard part.
Sunday, February 06, 2011

Poor Lu threw up at church, all over the bathroom and all over herself. I had the fun of cleaning it up and Big took her home. Luckily it was at the end of the 3 hour block. I hope hope hope she is better tomorrow, I don't want to miss another day of work. Hi, I'm new here but really I'm not going to come that often.
Super bowl weekend. S is off with friends, J is leaving to watch as well. Big and little will go to the Ray's. I will stay home with sickie. It's all good though because in July I will be here....

Saturday, February 05, 2011
It's a hard knock life

and this is her smiley sidekick, who is wiping down the cabinets, a job deemed unjustly easy by the "fairness police" of which poor Cinderella is Captain.
Love being a mom :)
p.s. soon after these photos were taken J came down stairs complaining that we were making too much noise, "she was out late last night and needs her sleep"
for the record: it was 11:10 am at the time the complaint was registered
in my head: Count your many blessings, name them one by one...

This morning the boys woke up at the crack of before dawn to leave for Fredricksburg, VA for a "10 Commandments" hike. E didn't want to go, he's not a morning person. I got up and packed them some food and found gloves and hats then when they walked out the door I dove back into bed!! Love a Saturday morning!
My sleep has been self interrupted lately, which is extremely unusual for me, I have the gift of being able to sleep. Lately I've been waking up a lot, having some trouble going back to sleep once awoken and having dreams about my little class. They have such struggles, not enough to eat, no where to sleep, no one to read to them, fights at home, learning problems a plenty and I just can't get them off my mind.
Looking forward to a good weekend. Have lots of chores to do today, tonight we're going to a game night at the Wilson's. Tomorrow is fast Sunday, followed by meetings, and preceded by meetings (ah, a day of rest :) ). Tomorrow night we're going to the Ray's to watch some of the Super Bowl. I feel very blessed with good friends, enough to eat, bright children, a warm (albeit that comes with a $$$, house), and the Gospel which makes my life so much more directed and trouble free than it might otherwise be.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
almost Valentines day! yeah! I little lovin' for the family is coming up, I'll have to think of something special to do.
my poor children, it was 37 outside today, and sunny and no wind and they thought it was playing outside weather. H spent the whole afternoon outside with friends roaming around, playing at the park. At one point she came home and got E to round out the soccer team and they played in the green for an hour or so. She came home and reported that E was the best guy out there, and that her friends were so surprised because he's little.
Report cards came home. All A's for all 4 kids, pretty darn good :)
stuffed shells for dinner, everyone ate :)
minimum day at school, nice.
New Beginnings was nice. H was thrilled to be introduced to YW and I thought the evening went well. The girls liked their necklaces anyway.
Propane bill came :( ouch! $850 and we are not even warm! Also tickets to SLC went up $50 a ticket from when I checked it last week. :(
Job is going well. I like the teacher I work with and the kids are cute. They have a lot of struggles, some are homeless, many are poor and the parents have many struggles as well. Yet they are happy to be at school and trying to learn.
We should hear from BYU and BYU H this month! can't wait to get that settled and praying like crazy that she'll get in.
keeping up with the laundry, H and I have a system. In the morning I move a load from washer to dryer and put a load to wash. When she gets home from school she moves a load from the dryer to my bed and from washer to dryer. When I get home I move the load from the dryer giving us 2 to fold. Before I go to bed I put one to wash. By doing 2 loads a day we are keeping up :)
H is really maturing lately. She gets up early and gets ready for school and walks to the bus stop in the dark. When she comes home she practices the piano for half an hour, moves laundry, feeds the dog and does homework all before I get home. She is helpful and capable of doing many chores now. She is getting good at cooking, unloading the dishwasher, picking up, laundry, reading to Lu and is generally cheerful. It's a real pleasure to watch her grow up and to see how well she is doing.
glad it's Friday tomorrow, looking forward to some fun socializing with friends
my poor children, it was 37 outside today, and sunny and no wind and they thought it was playing outside weather. H spent the whole afternoon outside with friends roaming around, playing at the park. At one point she came home and got E to round out the soccer team and they played in the green for an hour or so. She came home and reported that E was the best guy out there, and that her friends were so surprised because he's little.
Report cards came home. All A's for all 4 kids, pretty darn good :)
stuffed shells for dinner, everyone ate :)
minimum day at school, nice.
New Beginnings was nice. H was thrilled to be introduced to YW and I thought the evening went well. The girls liked their necklaces anyway.
Propane bill came :( ouch! $850 and we are not even warm! Also tickets to SLC went up $50 a ticket from when I checked it last week. :(
Job is going well. I like the teacher I work with and the kids are cute. They have a lot of struggles, some are homeless, many are poor and the parents have many struggles as well. Yet they are happy to be at school and trying to learn.
We should hear from BYU and BYU H this month! can't wait to get that settled and praying like crazy that she'll get in.
keeping up with the laundry, H and I have a system. In the morning I move a load from washer to dryer and put a load to wash. When she gets home from school she moves a load from the dryer to my bed and from washer to dryer. When I get home I move the load from the dryer giving us 2 to fold. Before I go to bed I put one to wash. By doing 2 loads a day we are keeping up :)
H is really maturing lately. She gets up early and gets ready for school and walks to the bus stop in the dark. When she comes home she practices the piano for half an hour, moves laundry, feeds the dog and does homework all before I get home. She is helpful and capable of doing many chores now. She is getting good at cooking, unloading the dishwasher, picking up, laundry, reading to Lu and is generally cheerful. It's a real pleasure to watch her grow up and to see how well she is doing.
glad it's Friday tomorrow, looking forward to some fun socializing with friends
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
spring spring where are you?

I am looking forward to warm days, planting, swimming, laying in the sun.

This morning we had a 6am traffic jam at the shower. J and H at one, me and Lu and Big at the other. Finally we all got through (thanks to an awesome tank less water heater)and I got little up (he's not a morning person) and into the shower. Then I heard him crying out for me and found him wet and kneeling at the toilet :(. I tried to convince him that he was well but in the end he convinced me and I called in to work. Great, second week and I already have to miss a day!
By 10am he was hungry and feeling fine. (sigh)
This morning he's beaten me at several games of blokus, and we watched Pokemon together.
I don't want to waste one on one time even if I am unhappy that he criedwolf sick. I did tell him that he could not miss any more days of 3rd grade if he wanted to promote, and sort of implied that it was a rule.
I don't want to waste one on one time even if I am unhappy that he cried

I do love love love to be home.
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