Thursday, March 31, 2011
a few more
the wedding
wedding morning
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
look who can ride her bike!
She's been working on it and has the bruises and scratches to prove it but now she can ride up and down and all around. She's a zippy bike rider!
All the trees are blooming and beautiful, I guess that means spring is on the way, although it's still too cold out for my liking. Everywhere you look there are blossoms of pink and white, lining the streets and in the fields and church yards and schools and every where. Across the street from my school is an old church with the most delightful garden all around it. It looks so "churchy" and the cheery blossoms are just drooping the branches they are so heavy. My favorite tree is by the funeral home in front of the hospital. It has enormous pink flowers all over it. I don't know what it is but I want one! Gorgeous!
Last night was our youth temple trip. It was really nice. We had 33 young people and all their "old" leaders. We got there a bit early and got to spend some time in the visitors center, there is a new art display there that is very nice. Then we walked over and did our work. It is calm and peaceful and wonderful there. We got home late, and I wanted to sleep in this morning but other than that it was a good trip :)
Looking forward to a crazy weekend and then next week a trip to see mi familia! Yeah!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Fancy Nancy
This fancy girl went to school today very excited to check on her chicken eggs. They are doing well.
We started out with a stormy morning but it ended nice and the boy is out playing ball with friends, and Lu is out adding to her scratch collection with Big.
I paid some bills today:(
We are having leftovers for dinner. Last night we had the missionaries and the Nelsons over for dinner and we have some left. We had a nice evening. Brother Nelson is a test pilot and he talked airplanes a little with our boy, admired his telescope and brought him a key chain with an x-35 joy stick on it. Pilots at our house are like rock stars elsewhere so it was a pretty cool night.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
cool treats
Is this an awesome ice cream truck or what? It made me want to get a little jar and stick some dollars in it so next time we can run out and get a refreshing treat while listening to reggae music!
We had no dollars, but we did have Popsicles in the freezer that tasted just as good (at a fraction of the cost)
catch up
Monday night we had our pi party. The whole family was looking forward to it. Big and little made a fun game where they had different significant pi equations on paper plates, and what they meant on other plates and you had to match them up. We made a poster of fun pie facts, like did you know that Mark Twain's fav pie is/was huckleberry pie? A pie chart where everyone could indicate their favorite pie (chocolate won in our sample but in the US apple is the #1) and we had a pi recitation contest, which E won with his stunning 36 digits out. Now he knows 50 something (he's going for 100). Lots of friends came over and we ate and played and visited. A perfect evening.
Wednesday we had a fun YW night. I was looking forward to it. I told the girls about my love of literature and how I always relate to different characters in the books. When I was their age always related to the heroine, now I often relate to the mother in the book. My girls will tell you I am like Mrs Darcy (so not;) ) but the mother I told about is Mrs Pig, of the 3 little pigs. She taught her little piglets well and all they needed to know to make their way in the world. Then when they grew up they moved out of the house (and off to BYU) and were on their own. They each had to make their own choices. I had three volunteers go to the board and we talked about some of the choices you make in life and what might be a "straw" choice, a "wood" choice and a "brick" choice. After a while of that I told them that while all the houses looked nice and were holding up for now when the Big Bad Wolf (Satan) came by to tempt them some of the houses would stand strong and others would fall down.
After that I gave them each a brick to paint with whatever inspirational thoughts they wanted that would help them build a strong foundation.
Thursday was St Patty's day. We wore green. I had a YW/AP round table meeting in the evening. I was very grateful because Lu was invited to go to Emily's house after school and to stay for playing and dinner . She hates when I am gone but this was such a fun treat for her that she didn't mind.
Friday was sunny and pretty out. We went to the park.
Today we had a stake women's conference. I wasn't going to go because Saturday time is precious and chores are many. I am glad I decided to go. Amy, Laura, Johnna and I drove up together and it was a lot of fun visiting with them. The workshops were wonderful and the messages were uplifting and positive. Meanwhile Big got the first sunburn of the season as he spent the day with the children outside digging up the ground for our garden, sealing the deck and helping Lu bike.
Little Lu is excited, they got an incubator with 20 chicken eggs in their classroom. They are looking forward to hatching them and seeing how cute they are. She's also been working on riding her bike, which resulted in 2 bloody knees and a scrapped hand today, but she is getting better.
We got E's STEM application done and turned in, now we have to wait to hear the news.
J's phone broke.
H is got to spend all day Saturday playing at her friend Susan's house.
E had a soccer game this morning where he made two goals.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
ready for pi day
two apple, one pumpkin, two razzleberry, one cherry, one blueberry. Three for J to take to school, one for Big to take to work, three for the family.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
1st ~four places I go
the playground
to bed :)
2nd~ four favorite smells
Princess by Vera Wang
new babies
3rd~ four favorite TV shows or movies
Iron Chef
house hunters international
4th~four recommendations
smile more
don't sweat the small stuff
read the scriptures every day
a little chocolate brightens any day
Tag: Caroline, Val, Marcia, Dani
littlest helpers
While everyone was working this morning E and Lu were partners and they were to go upstairs and make their beds and pick up their toys. They were happily occupied for a long time. I knew that was a problem but decided to not investigate.
When I finally went up I found them building forts and tunnels in the linen closet. They had a great time.
Big and I got to refold everything after they were done. The after picture is above.
Well, at least the closet is all organized now :)
no such thing as a bad Saturday
When we were done we had some lunch and then Big and Little went biking, H went off to play with her friend Ally and Lu and I went to shopping. First we had a stop at Target. We got, among other things, some spring colored chalk and play-dough. Very fun. Then we had to get some new shoes for little miss. She's been growing a lot and her shoes were all pinching her toes. She was extremely excited because the shoes she picked came with a pink bouncy ball. Ahh, the joys of being six. Then we went to Giant for groceries.
Meanwhile the others had headed to the drill hall for some racquetball and after Lu and I put away the groceries we met them on base for a free showing of "Gulliver's Travels". It was funny and very silly and I was glad it was free, but the popcorn was good :)
We topped off the night with a trip to CiCi's pizza.
Friday, March 11, 2011
date night

Thursday, March 10, 2011
It's raining today. Pouring actually. Tonight J and I went to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription and we could hear the bugs chirping out in the woods, through the rain. It was super loud, I guess the weather is warming up and spring is on the way!
I am behind on laundry.
After work today we had an all hands meeting. The school board has approved their budget for next year. Basically they will have to eliminate 135ish jobs. Tenured teachers are no longer safe and there is a lot less money going to education. Our county used to spend 52% of it's budget on education, now it's down to less than 42%. This is criminal. At my school the kids are so low, so needy, so delayed that it takes tons of staff and resource people to support the kids in the classroom. They are on the low end, but really all kids need our resources. Our high kids need a curriculum and learning environment that allows them to excel, not one that tries to push them to the median. Our "average" kids need to be pushed and encouraged and helped to rise to their potential. To do better than they think they can.
What are we thinking?
We are getting a new jail, I guess we'd rather incarcerate then educate...and with the quality of education going down I am sure we will have more and more need for jails. Ridiculous
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
when in doubt charlie out
Yesterday was fat Tuesday, I am not Catholic or Protestant but i do like pancakes so we had a pancake dinner. We did talk about the tradition of fat Tuesday and lent (which I looked up on line) and then we decided as a family to spend the weeks leading up to Easter studying the Saviors earthly ministry. It will be a good preparation for Easter, which is really the bedrock of Christianity. Christmas is wonderful and we love to remember with reverence the circumstance of the Lord's birth but Easter is the foundation of all that we hold dear, the greatest miracle of all. The fact that Jesus Christ died and then broke the bonds of death and was resurrected and opened that door for us so that we can all be resurrected and live with Him again is, for lack of a better word, miraculous. How grateful I am. I am looking forward to spending these next weeks walking, metaphorically, with my children through the days of his life and ministry.
Yesterday we had a warm afternoon. We spent the afternoon playing at the park. Jenna went for a run with Millie. It was delightful! Come on spring! we are ready for you :)
Sunday, March 06, 2011
be obedi"ant"
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
looking back

Here is my boy at 2 years old, in his future pilot shirt. What a fun little guy he was. He has been a delight since day one, still is...although at times he's getting a little big for his britches; he is generally a really nice, agreeable, delightful, noisy, on the go, full of plans, curious boy.
This little miss is leaving the nest in 4 months. She is a wonderful little fish, then and now. A hard hard worker, fun and full of life. She has a spark in her that is bright and wondrous! This picture was taken 10 years ago, seems like yesterday.
At school it is constant noise and little people needing something.
Before I got to my car in the parking lot after school my phone had already rang, it was Lu wanting to talk about her day, and wondering where I was and would I "stay with her until I got home". I did. (not quiet)
Walked in the house kids are home, homework, snacks, chatting, dinner fixing, dinner eating needed to get done. (not quiet) Bills, planning, laundry, etc. (not quiet)
My moment of quiet was a gift.
Today little M in my class called me over for some help, turns out she wanted a chat. I sat down by her and she said "Mrs. U, have you ever had your heart broken". I told her yes I had. She said she had too. At this point I thought it was going to be something about Justin Beiber, who's birthday is today and who's life is celebrated in our classroom by the children. He is a hero. Many girls were sad this morning that they don't live in CA so they can't go to his party. But instead she said, my mom broke my heart.
She told me I can't live with her anymore. She was mad because I left my toys on the floor and she stepped on one so she said I had to live with my dad, and maybe she will come back after spring break.
I told her she probably didn't mean it, but it turns out she's been gone for a while :(
She cried, I hugged.
What is wrong with these people?? Seriously, not a day goes by that doesn't shock and upset me. These little babies deserve better.
I find myself turning more and more to the scriptures and prayer and hymns for peace. Life sure doesn't offer it. So many struggles and heartaches around. I can't even list it, all I can do is try to help, and pray.