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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

dumpster diving

We had a busy day. Going away to have fun always takes a lot of work. We did laundry and straightened up. Big tidied up the yard and we took the car to fill it with gas and give it a wash. We went shopping for trip stuff and for Easter. We packed and made some lists. Everything went smoothly except Lu is still suffering from a bad case of the grouchies and we had a debit card crisis at the gas station. I swiped the card to get some gas and then stood in my drivers door talking to the kids and cleaning out my purse while it was pumping. When I was done I looked for my card and couldn't find it. We checked my wallet and purse and the whole car and the ground.
Finally I took the plunge and looked through the trash can where I had thrown some papers.
Still no luck.
I checked that trash four times, carefully.
We searched every and I was bummed, no luck.
Finally we went over to the car wash and drove thru and when we got to the vacuum searched again. Thankfully I then uncovered it! We were thrilled and said a prayer of thanks! It would have been a terrible day to lose my plastic.

1 comment:

utmommy said...

Glad you found it!