We've been cleaning and wrapping and baking and waiting.
You know that dream..the one where it's Christmas morning and somehow you forgot all about it and now there is nothing ready for the kids? I often have that one and wake up so relieved that it's not...and that I didn't.
I kind of feel like that right now. The floor project really slowed down some of our
Christmasy preparations...yet it's still coming.
The kids are still excited and the family is still arriving and the tree is up even though the lights aren't working, it just kind of doesn't feel real
Last night we went to Marcy and Gary's Christmas Open House. We almost didn't cause there is so much to do, what else is new?, more to do then time and interest to do it in :) But then we did and I am glad. It was fun. They had a lot of people there and we left early so I
imagine that even more came. The kids were happy to see some
friends and visit, so were DH and I. Their house is very nice, not at all
cluttery. We need to
de-clutter. Big time.
Today was the kids parties at school. E's class all got together and bought a charm
bracelet for Mrs.
Torisk. Each child chose a charm that
represented them. E chose a fighter plane. (because he
loves planes, his dad designs/tests/what not planes and he wants to be a pilot) H took a
Christmas candle to her sweet teacher Mrs. Miller. Both kids are bouncing off the walls and counting down the
minutes until Abba and Nana and Uncle Brian arrive. I am chasing after them, trying to make sure that it at least looks like we made an effort...if not that we got everything done. Sadly effort gets undone super quickly so it's a full time effort to make sure things stay in place for another hour. (
however saying "will you kids please stop playing and sit down and watch TV", I just can't do it. It might help, but I can't. I do have one TV addict and I'd rather have the mess...most days) Once they walk in the door and see that we swept, then we're good ;)
I have two lessons to prepare for Sunday and home/
visiting teacher treats to make and many more presents to wrap. For the record.
I think
everyone else is in the same boat...at least my friends~they are all crazy busy and
scrambling to get
every thing done. What does
that say about us?
Fun news. J made the JV drill team for the spring. She is excited. I am too. It will be fun to go watch her dance.