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Saturday, December 15, 2007

birthdays for 3 year olds...oh yea, now I remember.

Lucy was invited to her first friend birthday party. She was very excited to go. Got her tiara on, grabbed the present and ran out the door.
Unfortunately once we got there she realized that the present was not for her but for Emma and that she would have to give it to her. She did not take kindly to the idea and spent a lot of time crying and complaining about that. Much to the embarrassment of her mother.
She did stop crying when Emma's mom pulled out the crafts and she was happy to make a crown and some Christmas ornaments.
It was a nice little party and it was cute to see Lu and her friends play. When we left she remembered that she didn't have "her present" any more and was sad anew. The traumas of childhood :)

I was glad to go because I had been thinking of letting Lucy have a friend party this Jan and now I remember that it's not an awesome idea and I think we'll wait until she's 4 or 5 :) That and it was fun to visit.


lera said...

That is sad. Cute, but sad. Poor Lucy. Hopefully Santa will know how much she likes the present she gave away :-)

Yvonne said...

Poor little thing--it's always so tough for them to understand that the present they are taking is going to stay at the party.

Chellie said...

That is so funny! What a cute little Lucy! She might like a birthday party because she'll get to open and keep all the presents! :)

Chellie said...

oh yes, and I can not leave without saying how absolutely adorable she is!!!