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Friday, December 07, 2007

Today is Nana's Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Nana!!! First of all I have to say that it's hard to find a picture of her. You kind of have to sneak up on her and take it while she doesn't know :) But when I searched through the archives I did find them...and they were always with her grandbabies, which makes sense because she loves them and is a great grandma and I would venture to say that they are one of the most important things in her life.

When you meet someone for the first time and they are going to be your family it's a weird thing. I remember when we first met. I was nervous. DH and I were engaged and we were traveling back to Ohio for an engagement party. We also had the three big girls with us. I knew that I wasn't their ideal choice for a daughter in law. Someone who was divorced with three kids? Right. That's the top of every mom's dream list :)

We had talked on the phone, I think. And sent letters, I know. But I was still nervous. It turns out I had nothing to worry about. She and Abba were both awesome. They were so nice and welcoming and warm and kind.
From day one they have been wonderful to my daughters and I know there is no difference in their hearts between them and DH's biological children.
Nana is a terrific mom and a terrific person. She's very smart and talks politics with the "menfolk". She is an avid reader. She is an awesome seamstress and makes fabulous things for the kids when ever we hint at it :) She is a kind and loyal friend and I am very blessed to have her in my life. We have a lot of fun when we are together. The kids LOVE her and can hardly wait to call her up and tell her things or for her to visit.
She is always there when we need her and flies across the country to help us when babies are born, closets need organizing or kids need a grandma sitting in the audience to watch them dance/sing/swim/recite something or just stand there looking cute.
Happy Birthday Nana!! When I am a grandma I hope I'll be like you!

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

As a mother-in-law, I love to read things like this. I so identify with your comment about worrying that you were not what DH's parents had in mind--but what we as mothers look at is who helps our sons and daughters find happiness. When we see our children happy and our grandchildren being nourished and loved by wonderful men and women--that's what's important.

(Sorry didn't mean to take up so much space!!!)

Great post. I hope yur mother-in-law has a fabulous birthday.