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Thursday, January 18, 2007

many mundane ramblings

MSV and her husband are coming to visit!! Yeah! Two weeks from today they'll fly in. They are going to stay for a long weekend and then drive back the alero for my youngest sister Em to have. YEAH!! I am excited. Of course V and I have been making plans for the time they are here. We are trying to convince R to move here. His job hasn't turned out to be as great as they had hoped and they are ready for a change.
Mom and Dad are planning on leaving at the end of summer to teach English at the University in China for a year, and then they plan on serving a 2 year mission. In the meantime they want V&R to live in their house. They are also talking about selling that house and buying one similar to some friends of ours who just built a home with two master suites so her parents can live with them. The neighborhood they're looking at is even closer to my home then mom and dad are now. It would be so great to have all the little cousins together, and to have V here.

Today Lucy and I went to Target. She got some new jammies and a baby carrier for her dollies. I got her birthday present bought. I can't believe she'll be two on Saturday.

Tomorrow is book club at my house, I need to decide what to make.

Raining today.

I'm kind of feeling yucky. I've had a headache since I got the flu shot on Monday. Hopefully it'll go away soon. Also having some reflux problems and got my test results for my blood work and my cholesterol is high. I guess it's good that this is the year I am finally dieting in ernest. So far it's been almost 2 weeks and I haven't gone over my points even once.

H wet her pants at school again today. I wish I knew what to do to help her. Her hemangioma isn't getting bigger but I wonder what it's doing inside. Probably the same. Hopefully she'll out grow this.

Hoping for some snow this weekend, think snow!

Abba booked breakfast with princesses for our dream Disney vacation!! Yeah, it will be so fun and H will be SO thrilled. She wants to sleep in the castle but this will be better.

DH is working late. I can't think what to make for dinner; the kids are having corn dogs. Dad and I met at the Portuguese Cafe for lunch and really I am not hungry yet. Harder to think of something to make when you're not hungry and feeling a little blah.

The good news is my ankle doesn't hurt at all anymore. Yeah! That took a long time to heal.

I need to take Millie to the vet. And turn in a rebate form I have sitting around. And I just got a jury summons for the first time in my life. Which I wouldn't mind doing all that much except that it would be a pain to get a babysitter for however long it would take so I probably will opt out. Next time.

Did I mention my sister is coming to visit?!!!
My other sister Anna is doing a bit better. I'm glad.


utmommy said...

I can hardly wait!!!

Joyismygoal said...

Wow!!!!! How thrilling for your folks, but sad for us and fun for us all if YSV moves here, hope your headache gets better, H will get all better w/ time ,she will! I got new Jammies today too I wonder if they are like Lucy's?(AT WM for 3 dollars) gotta love January clearance. Yeah for your ankle !! did I tell you Shauna broke hers too right after she got home.

Debbie said...

do you know what university your parents are going to teach at? my in-laws just got back from that same mission. it is such a small world! let me know if they have any questions. thanks for the update on anna, i need to call her.

Mel said...

How fun for you and your sister!

nikko said...

I'm so happy that Anna is feeling better. I've been wondering about her!

How exciting that YSV is coming to visit. I can't wait to say hi.

Your DDV (disney dream vacation) is sounding so fun. H will be thrilled!