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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Our little Lucy can get into anything. It's really charming. Not.
This used to be a big problem. She would go help herself, open youghurts, drop eggs, spill milk, or just take a look and then leave the door wide open.
Then last week I found this at Wal-mart and our problems are solved (at least with the fridge).
Easy but it works for me!!

For more tips go visit Rocks in my Dryer!


wendy said...

Woe! Brilliant! Not just toddler-proof but great for dieters, too!

I missed all those Works for Me Wednesdays, and I always want to try it, but I just can't think of anything that really works for me.

Nikki said...

I've often wondered if these contraptions would work. Maybe I'll go get one now!

Anonymous said...

Don't let little one see you opening it! It took my almost 2 yr old about a week to figure out how to open it. But it was nice while it lasted. ;)

Anne/kq said...

How does that one fasten? We have a velcro fridge lock somewhere that came with our babyproofing set, that we should probably put on (although she would probably figure it out in about a month, it would give us a month without spoiled milk, a real problem for us lately.)

heidi @ ggip said...

I should try this. Thanks, i didn't know they existed!

utmommy said...

Little Lucy is so helpful. I can't wait to see her tomorrow.

Qtpies7 said...

My little one figured out the lock. We had to resort to a dog leash latching the side by side doors together, because even though she knows how to do it, she can't get the strength to open it! LOL

Anonymous said...

great idea!!!