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Too Many To Count Two

Monday, March 12, 2007

spring break ~day 1

this is a picture of no one jumping on the couch, no one asking to read a story, no one blaring the radio....this is a picture of S asking if she can take the kids to the park to play and me saying "let me help you find everyone's shoes!"
No big plans for today. We're having FHE, did some picking up, watched cartoons, we're making lettuce wraps for dinner. It's kind of overcast but everyone enjoyed sleeping in and it's been a good day so far.


utmommy said...

So soo sooo nice!

wendy said...

Our Spring Break starts next week! We are making our list of fun things to do. I am hoping "trash the house" doesn't make it on the list!

ps what a cute little soccer ballerina

I have a good life said...

What a great daughter S is! How fun for her and for you! I have a long time to wait to have a "driver!"

nikko said...

Funny. Trash the house seems to be on our list!

Mel said...

Spring break already! Have a good one;)

Amanda said...

We will be visiting my Dad for spring break so we can trash his house! :D

Anne/kq said...

Yay for big sisters who take little sibs to the park! How nice for you!