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Thursday, March 01, 2007

what it's like to have grandparents close by

Last week, or maybe the one before I don't remember for sure which, Papa and Grandma came and got J after school. She had a broken violin string and they took her to get it fixed. On the way home they stopped at Taco Bell ( a favorite of J's ) for dinner. They had a fun visit and now she's back to fiddling away her time. Sunday while we were cooking Papa asked her to accompany us. Which was so fun.
A couple months ago H had a turn for a special one on one day.
These days are real treats for the kids. It makes them feel special and loved. They get to hear the stories of "back in the day" and to hear wisdom.
When they leave for China I will be most excited for them and their new adventure. We'll also miss having them nearby to share our days.
Hopefully the other kids will have a one on one turn before they leave too.


Chellie said...

I wish more than anything my kids were by their grandparents. I'm sure you will miss them a lot while they are gone.

utmommy said...

So fun!

The Peach dessert looks fab!

Gabriela said...

I wish we lived close to grandparents-it sounds great!

Anne/kq said...

I love having grandparents nearby. It's truly a blessing. :)