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Too Many To Count Two

Saturday, February 16, 2008

a last

as a mom you don't always know when a last will happen. The last time to nurse a baby, the last time someone crawls into your bed in the middle of the night, the last _______. Sometimes you do know. The last first day of kindergarten, I haven't had it yet but I am sure I will shed a tear as I drop Lu off to school and skip down the sidewalk free at last solemnly walk back to my car to try and fill the emply hours until school gets out again. This time I recognized a last. Early this week we had decided not to let E and G bathe together any more. H already doesn't bathe with them. This morning I forgot as they hopped in to enjoy some warm bubbles. H got out of the shower and quickly joined them. They had a great time splashing and playing and I let them have some tub time fun, then snapped a picture and got them out. It was the last. Brother is getting big and bath time needs to be private, well more private anyway. They will be a little sad I am sure.
...and the clock keeps ticking on.


Yvonne said...

I know it's all part of life, but there are so many moments you wish could last forever, eh??? I can't believe in one more year I will have no more children in high school. I will be so sad--Fiddle-dee-dee...but tomorrow will come too soon, won't it

utmommy said...

S and J aren't allowed to bathe together, but every once in a while they hop in together without me knowing.

The Amazing Trips said...

We are thinking the same thing, but only because we are running out of room in our tub. The kids have so much fun playing together, it makes me sad to imagine not letting them take their daily soak as a group.

But it doesn't make me at all sad to imagine them getting up, getting breakfast, watching TV and allowing us to sleep in until 9 AM. That WOULD be crazy great!! :)