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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mermaids in the Basement

I just finished my second southern author book (I'm not counting books I read that I don't like).
This was a fun and engaging story to read. The author is clever in her writing and there are twists and turns in the plot as you read about Renata and her family and the strange alliances they have, betrayals they make, loves they share, and all the other family secrets that become unearthed as the story unfolds. It's an adult book with adult themes but not difficult to read and it kept me interested the whole way through.
Oh, the author is Michael Lee West


maggie moran said...

Wow, I didn't know Michael Lee West wrote this!!! I need to read this! Thanks for sharing!

utmommy said...

Yeah for good books!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

OK, I'm going to go get this one, I've had bad luck with my reading. . .so I'm glad to have a good recommendation!