H is in three dances this year: a Jazz dance, a ballet dance and a tap dance. She loves her costumes. The girls all get dressed in one dance room, do hair and make-up and prance around waiting for their turns. The pictures are taken in the other room. Meanwhile the mom's get to help them change. They get to keep track of costumes and assigned hair styles and paraphanalia. And in my case I also got to keep track of two little siblings, who started out excited to be there.

But ended up just bored. One other mom had a little sister there too. After about the first hour and a half of "fun" she said to me. Shelby is such a pain in the neck but just when I am ready to lock her in the car until we are finished I look at you and your two and think "it could be worse".
Glad to be of service.
We survived and came home to a quick swim for the kids while Grandma and I made a yummy dinner. I made garden veggies and ham and there was none left. She made spinach/strawberry salad. Again none left. We had FHE and then tucked the little urchins into bed.
It's so fun to have grandparents nearby. We are getting spoiled!
How cute. I remember all that fun dressing up!
don't you love it?
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