H lost her tooth. It's her fifth. First one on the top. Very exciting. She had been wiggling and wondering for days. Finally, just before bed time, it came out. Really that's the perfect time because then you get to postpone bedtime a bit.

At our house the tooth fairy is a real slacker . She often just plain forgets. EB and SC they show up like clockwork but that darn tooth fairy is another story. Last time H lost a tooth she took the tooth but didn't leave any money. Don't know what happened there. Once J lost a tooth on Sunday evening and put it under her pillow but nothing happened. We figured she probably doesn't work on the Sabbath and the next night she did come. Sometimes we wonder if she goes alphabetically to people's homes and since our last name starts with a letter at the end of the alphabet she runs out of time before day break. Whatever the reason there is often some delay. After a few teeth my older girls just started coming to me and handing me the tooth and asking for money. Which was okay, there is other magic to be had. :( insert sigh

H has another solution however. She got a toothfairy house that I painted for Grandma a long time ago and asked if we could have it for our house. You lift off the chimney and drop in the tooth and in the morning there is change in it's place. It worked well :) Hope it keeps working we have many more teeth to loose in the up coming years and I don't see my memory getting any better.
THAT is a really cute idea. We have a tooth fairy jar (made out of a terra cotta jar and a terra cotta saucer, painted all cutesy) that she puts on her dresser by her cd player. That way when I turn off her music at night, I can remind the tooth fairy to show up.
One time when I was a teen, my parents forgot about my baby sister's tooth. Quick thinking, I grabbed a dollar and ran and "looked" through all of her pillows on the floor and found it. Good thing she was a wild sleeper and she bought it. I am keeping that one in my que!
Slacker tooth fairies...I love that!
I forget sometimes too!! One time T lost a tooth and when I got him up in the morning for school he of course looked under his pillow and found nothing. I told him that the TF doesn't always come at night, that she is very magical. While he was in the shower I rummaged through my purse, found a dollar, and put it under his pillow. He checked again when he was making his bed and low and behold the TF had come!! Luckily he didn't suspect a thing!! I also lost M's tooth and had to borrow one from a friend. How gross huh?
I love your little tooth house! Our kids put their teeth in a sealed envelope under their pillow. Then the tooth fairy "magically" replaces the tooth with money without opening the envelope. She has complained that getting in to switch the envelopes is getting trickier as the kids get older.
Love the house, what a great idea! The tooth fairy is pretty flakey in our parts too. Mexico has a "mouse" that comes instead of the fairy. So, if Margarita gets pesos, we know that little mouse has been here!
What a great idea! I may use that when I have kids old enough to lose teeth!
I'm a total slacker, too. Last tooth, my eight year old finally put the envelope on top of my laptop. She knows where I'm likely to look! I love that little house idea.
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