E is almost 4. He is counting down the days until his birthday. Right now we're trying to decide between a Star Wars party and a cowboy party. He loves his dad more than anyone. This weekend Dh moved our septic line to sprinkle in the side yard instead of the back. E "helped". He loves to play x-box with him, work with him, swim with him, go on errands, hit a baseball or any ball, and every night wants his dad to tuck him in and tell him a story. I'll be a long time before E fills his dads boots, but I am daily grateful that he has a good example to follow as he grows up to be a man.
How cute is that boy!! He's going to grow up and be wonderful.
He is darling! I love the photo of him in the boots!!! Classic little boy. There is nothing more endearing than a little boy that idolizes his daddy.
BTW--What color are your walls...loving the color!
So sweet! One of my kids follows his dad around "helping" too. I love to watch my husband as he patiently lets him "help."
He is SO cute. His sweet little face, and those big boots! He's a keeper for sure!
That's an adorable photo. It sounds like E really looks up to his dad.
I lvoe the shots of them weearign Daddy's or Mommy's shoes! It's so cute watching them clop around!
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