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Monday, September 18, 2006

The boys are back

from their trip for essentials at Wal-mart.

Star Wars guys are essentials right? And this boy is spoiled (and the big one too)


Christine said...

Is this one of those trips where you send the boys to Wal-Mart for four things, they come home with 12 things, none of which are the four you sent them for? That's usually what happens when my husband takes the kids to the store. I send him for milk and eggs. Three hours later [to the Wal-Mart that's five minutes away] he comes home with a spiderman figurine and barbie doll. ;)

And I think if you ask any boy, Star Wars guys are definitely essentials.

Anonymous said...

Of course those are essential!

Blackeyedsue said...

Yes, like air or water.

nikko said...

Star Wars transformers are the revered item in our house right now.

I was at Wal-Mart before K's bday and they had them marked down to $3.50. Needless to say, I bought 5 or 6.

Glad E and DH had fun!

Joyismygoal said...

It is veryfun that their are several generations now of boys who love star wars figures we have a collection of the very first ones. As a side note I dated A guy who was an engineer for Mattel and was the designer of many of these original SW toys(I had forgotten that :)

Lei said...

Love it! Essentials - lol!

Pirate Princess said...

oh yes! VERY essential!!! My Orion got light sabers for his b-day... can't go anywhere w/o them!