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Too Many To Count Two

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen places I'd like to go:

  1. Senegal
  2. Disneyworld
  3. NY City
  4. Washington DC
  5. UK
  6. Iceland
  7. Nauvoo
  8. This is the Place Park in Salt Lake City Utah
  9. Boston
  10. Paris, France
  11. So Africa
  12. New Zealand
  13. Alaska

and in other travel news: The Amazing Race starts a week from Sunday and I can't wait. It's virtual travel for me, geography in action, and so much fun!


utmommy said...

We should've gone to This is the Place when you were here!

nikko said...

Since I have "blogger's block", I stole your idea! ;o)

Code Yellow Mom said...

You have a tour guide whenever you come to DC - seriously! (I'd offer a place to stay, too, but our place is leetle.) I LOVE showing people around, and DC is not to be missed. You all should just hop in that suburban...:)

I've never been to Disney World, either, and I was wondering when is the best age to take kids - you know, old enough to enjoy the magic and have a memory of it, but not so old that they run off to do their own thing the whole you know?

Mall Worker said...

I've always wanted to go to alaska!

Pirate Princess said...

all neat places...

I hate it they pitted the Amazing Race against The Ulitmate Makeover Home Edition... we love that one too. :)

Lammy said...

C'mon over to Nauvoo---Liberty and Independence.
You'll never regret it! :)
Thanks for coming by my place! :)