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Friday, February 09, 2007

Friday randomness

I was helping Lucy clean the room she shares with H. While throwing stuff away filing things where they belong I found some pictures she drew of herself with J. They were really cute. She adores J and wants to be with her and to touch all her stuff and bug her all the time and spend quality time with her. J on the other hand doesn't always feel the same way. It's kind of sad. I am the oldest in my family and I don't know what it feels like to be younger and to want like that. I do know what it's like to have pesky younger sibs. Now that we are grown I adore them, and love to spend time with them, and miss them. When we were younger I liked them but wanted to get away from them. They could be embarrassing. So I watch. And when they are kind to each other the smile on H's face makes my heart almost burst with joy, and when they are fighting I sigh and try and step in to be a poor substitute for a "cool older sister" by offering to read a book or bake some cookies.
I hope I was a nice older sister. I feel like I was but I wonder. They don't complain now so I guess whatever meanness there was has been forgiven. "Oh I've had the oft complaint, but on the whole I've been a saint...."older sister or ______ ?(name that line.)

Speaking of younger sibs I think MSV is moving here, which I am thrilled about. I am a little nervous too. I hope she'll like it. I hope living close to family won't drive her nuts. And even though we told them we'll be sent to Maryland during flight test for a short time and then we'll be back I hope they won't feel abandoned when we leave. Utah is different than anywhere else and they love it there so I hope they will see all the nice things about here. I think it will be, from my perspective, probably 98% great. The other 2% will just be worry over if they are happy.

I have worked out 3 days in a row. Yeah me! It's fun in the moment, and feels great to check it off the list after. I am sore. Yesterday I was cursing the toilet designers of the world for putting the darn things so low to the ground. Last night S and I did a video together. She's a good dancer. I move around and sweat so I guess that's fine too.

Yeah for Friday's! We have a busy weekend ahead.

It's cold. A couple other things I don't like about the cold are finding socks every day. I love sandal weather. And sitting on cold leather seats in the morning. And....

I've been doing some on-line shopping, which is a good cold weather activity. We got a catalog with really cute teen clothes that have sleeves and everything. J is baby-sitting this weekend in trade for a piece or two. I also found some really cute sandals for the littles that I will order next week (a little at a time) and a bathing suit at Old Navy that I will order now because for some dumb reason now is the time when you can find them and by April they'll be gone. Explain that to me?


Phae-Jae said...

Your girls are so pretty! The "braces" years are so close for me! That is why dh is in law school!

wendy said...

Our 8 year old follows our 12 year around like a puppy. Until a year or so ago 12 year old didn't mind, but this year - - - - it makes me a little sad.

My big sister let me totally tag along. I loved her friends. But I was mean to my little sister and it made me mad when my friends were nice to her. Sorry Mary. I was a bad big sister.

It IS time to buy a swim suit. Tell me more about your modest teen catalog. Is it available online?

Anonymous said...

Look at you going to the gym! Keep it up.

Anne/kq said...

I am in the unique position of both being an older/oldest in the house and a younger sibling-- I'm not a regular middle child. I was born 10 years after my next older sibling (and she has only recently forgiven me for it.) But by the time I was 8 or so, both my sisters were out of the house, and it was just me and my little brother-- and even before that, it was most often just me and my little brother from the time I was 4 or so on. Not to mention that when I was at my dad's house (parents divorced when I was 4-ish), I was ALWAYS the oldest. It makes for an interesting dynamic...

Anne/kq said...

Oh, I also just got this year's swim suit for the two-year-old! (Although she'll be 3 by swimming season!) I got a really cute rashguard and "boy-leg" shorts set at Target. $12.99, not bad!

Dani said...

Ursula, The Little Mermaid

nikko said...

I hope I was a nice big sister. Not sure what my sisters would say!

I can't wait for sandal season, either. It will be here before you know it!

Mel said...

Isn't anything above 40 degrees sandal season? LOL.

utmommy said...

You were only a little mean, like when you said you would turn into an ostrich when I wanted to sleep with you at night. But, since you are now my BFF I guess that means I've forgiven you.