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Too Many To Count Two

Saturday, February 03, 2007

no photo day

I day without taking a single picture? How did that happen?
Well it was because I was too busy laughing my head off all day long. The best thing about being with my sister is she is SO DANG FUNNY. I never laugh so hard as when I am with her. And after all these years of being sisters a single word can send us into fits of laughter that leaves me unable to breath and others at the table looking at us like we are lunatics.
The evil reverse side of that talent she has is with a word or phrase she can also bring back to my remembrance things that are gross enough to make me gag at the thought. . . and even when I beg her to stop she won't because she thinks that is so dang funny.
It's so bad that sometimes she cracks me up at inappropriate times and I have to try and bite my cheek or pinch myself or something in a hope that the pain with override the mirth.

Last night we tried a new restaurant "Texas Land & Cattle". We had a fun night. The kids are all looking forward to today because they get to play with us. They look forward to watching their mother crack up and laugh along like little loons.

1 comment:

wendy said...

Sisters are the best. I love the way we all talk over each other and laugh like sillies when my sisters are all together.

Have a fun visit!