Lucy is such a little mama. She loves her babies and spends hours playing with them. She likes to dress them, feed them, stroll them, sing to them. It's very cute and sweet. You would never think that this little sweetheart would get into EVERY thing all the time. But she does. Last week while I was making my bed, and she was brushing her teeth in the adjoining bathroom she crawled up the tub and onto the counter and opened a child locked bottle of
Triaminic and spilled it all over. I went in minutes later and found her and the mess. Since I didn't know how much she drank, or even if she did, I had to stick my finger down her throat and make her throw it up. She was fine but it was scary. Yesterday she played with our pool testing kit. She's a very busy explorer!
The kids looked cute all spruced up for Mother's day. Poor S was sick again and had to miss church. The primary sang w/ Tori and it was very beautiful.
My Sunday school class was very quiet. It's because they got in big trouble and the Bishop and Robin both sat in my class, which made me nervous (not Robin) and was a bit of a nightmare. Hopefully next week will go better.

I got a package today in the mail. These cute new shoes. Now my feet are ready to hit the streets of Downtown Disney and see all the sights!
This week is my last turn for preschool school. I need to do some lesson planning and make it a special week.
TAFA called and they opened another Suzuki 1 course so H will get to take violin this fall after all. Yeah!
Two topics I've been asked to clarify.
1. We are moving, but not for a long time. DH works on F-35. He's an engineer. He's been on the program since the beginning which is very exciting and now "his" variant is going to PAX River for flight testing and he will go with it. This won't happen until fall 08. We are excited to live near DC and all the neat things there. We are sad to leave our good friends and nice home here. So for now it's life as usual, as we get closer I am sure it will get crazier!
2. Home school. We are going to do it next year. It's been a long process and a lot of thinking about it to come to this decision. Actually when D was small and ready to go to Kindergarten I didn't want to send her. I didn't know there was a such thing as homeschooling but I wanted to keep her at home and teach her there. My MIL, mom and D's dad were all against it so I didn't and I sent her off.
Later I became a public school teacher. I am not anti public school. In fact I think that many teachers really try hard. I also know it's impossible to reach everyone, to teach everyone and that the very bright sometimes get less attention.
Fast forward a few years, from the time H was born DH has wanted her to be home schooled. We have talked about it a lot over the years, read about it, prayed about it, debated about it. I have been the hold out. I just wasn't sure that's what I wanted to do. Oddly enough all of my kids, except D, have wanted to home school. As a kid I would never had wanted to. Brother has been adamant that he wasn't going to school, he wanted to do kindergarten in the kitchen.
Fast forward to now. Again it's been the topic of much talk, debate, prayer, consideration, and study. E wants to, DH wants us to, and H wants to. I finally decided that I need to hearken to the council of my husband and give it a good try. The kids are super excited. We have been getting ready, getting stuff together,thinking and figuring. It'll be fun. The great thing is we can look at it every year and look at our circumstances and decide what we want to do. I am going to use The Well Trained Mind as my guide and hopefully they will learn sooooOOoo much and the kids will love it. I have some worries and I am excited so we'll see how it goes.
Lastly, can you believe that lame-o Dreamz didn't give Yao the necklace?