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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

jam, museum and hypochondria

Another rainy day. Our lakes are filling up and maybe our drought will be over. yeah! It's a small sacrifice, not being able to swim to have enough water.

This morning I was sitting on my bed reading to Brother. We flopped back on the bed and I had this huge pain in my pecs and all around my chest. It was horrible for a few minutes, and then lasted all day. This has happened before twice, doing similar flopping back things. I don't know what it is. I checked my pulse and didn't think I was having a heart attack :) so I just carried on with the day, but it's been inconvenient. It's definitely a muscle thing, because it hurts when I mover my arms around, or take deep breaths.

For one thing I had a bunch of peaches that were going soft. I wanted to make jam and bread. I got the jam done but not the bread. Hopefully tomorrow.

Also my friend Nikko and I had planned to take the kids to the museum to play. We still went and had a very fun time.
I am the queen of having strange and random complaints. I normally just try and ignore whatever it is until it goes away. Today I did take lots of Tylenol and didn't get to everything on my list and I had to cancel on Tori for tomorrow for working out, which I am sad about. I hope it's gone tomorrow and I can help Robin get ready for her son's wedding, and I can get us ready for our trip.

Another random odd complaint: I always sleep well. I go to bed, lay down and sleep until either someone cries and wakes me up or it's morning. Lately, the last few weeks, I have been having trouble sleeping. I wake up and lay awake for awhile several times a night. What is that all about?


Joyismygoal said...

Oh dear i hope you are ok

Cheri said...

You are not alone- I'm 37 now and for the last 2 years I just have weird aches and pains. I've been to the Dr and it's nothing- I think it just kind of stinks getting older!

Your jam looks so good- I'm going to have to make some up myself!

nikko said...

Mmm... peach jam. Can't wait till ours are ready to pick!

The museum was fun. Hope you're sleeping better and feeling better today.

Chellie said...

I am so jealous over your peach jam. I love peach jam and many others, but have never learned to do it myself and it's sooooooo much better than at the store. It's on my list of things to know how to do.

utmommy said...

Yummy looking jam!

I hate when I don't sleep well, hopefully all the aches and pains get better.

Mustafa Şenalp said...


Anonymous said...

Since I'm pregnant right now, all of my random aches and pains are explained away with, "There's a cure for that! It's called delivery!" Har, har, har, har. Surely OB's get tired of telling that joke because I sure am tired of hearing it!

Anne/kq said...

That jam is so delicious looking! I like to can peaches in light syrup, too. In fact, we have some left from last year that we need to eat in the next month. Maybe at dinner tonight.

I grew up swimming in the rain all the time, as long as there was no lightning. Then when I moved to Dallas, I learned fast that that's a no-no out there, because the lightning can come up so fast, out of nowhere, and WILL strike the pool!

That pain sounds like a muscle spasm to me. I get them all the time, all over my body. Fun.