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Too Many To Count Two

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


a typical FHE around here starts with Papa and Grandma coming over. We have dinner together. Papa always keeps everyone's water glasses full. Brother always wants to play interview. Lucy always spills something.
Then we sing. Depending on who's at the piano the songs vary. This week H sang us several lovely solos. Lou and Brother joined her for some numbers as well. When J plays we sing "Twinkle Twinkle" and other classics from piano books 1 & 2. Snowman is a favorite, as is Popcorn and Army of Helaman.
H has a hard time sitting long as she's quiet I don't care.

After the lesson we have a game and a treat. It's very fun, usually. Sometimes it's chaotic but either way we love it.

1 comment:

Tori :) said...

Great pics.
"Chaotic" would be the perfect word to describe FHE around here!