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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Middle School Awards

Earlier this week we got an invitation to J's school awards night. I asked her if she was getting any awards, she said no. Then she said she didn't want to go because it was going to be boring. Okay. That was fine with me. I am not big on walking up on stage and getting awarded something myself.

Fast forward to today, an hour before the awards ceremony. Mom, maybe I might be getting an award and I want to go. What?!?

The kids were a wreck, the house was a wreck, S was gone with the car, DH was at work and I was supposed to go to Sandy's as soon as everything "settled down" to help her get ready for her realtor tomorrow.

So, J went with her friends Siara and Sophia and their parents...and things never settled down but I went to Sandy's anyway.

J was awarded a President's Education Awards Program Outstanding Academic Excellence Award, signed by the President.
A Citizenship Award and an Outstanding Achievement in Math Award. Whoo HOoo!!

Sandy, Debi and I schlepped boxes, painted cabinets, touched up walls, wiped down stoves, shampooed carpets and readied up the house...which now looks so lovely.

It was a good night.


Tori :) said...

She "might" get "an" award?! Understatement!!
That's awesome!

Anne/kq said...

Very cool!

Now, interestingly, you can't say "Sunday best" here, but half those girls' outfits would not be allowed, and they would have been sent home. Interesting.

nikko said...

Way to go, J!

utmommy said...

Yeah J!!!

attack of The Mouse said...

Way too cool. Good Job.