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Friday, August 10, 2007

another party done

Tonight was H's birthday party. I can't believe she is almost 8!
She had several friends over and they had a good time running around while they were waiting for everyone to arrive.
After we had all the girls here H handed out new aprons to everyone and we headed to the kitchen. We made pizza, fruit salad, lemonade and for dessert cupcakes and yummy cookies that Rachel made. Everyone had a great time and ate it all up. Emmaline said it was like going to an all you can eat buffet!
When we were done eating we opened presents, then played mother elephant and went swimming. The girls had a fabulous time splashing in the pool and playing categories. Finally the bugs drove us in again and we sang to H and had dessert.

I think she had a very fun time. I know DH and I did. The kids are fun to have over and it's fun to watch our gang play with friends.
E dived off the rock and Lucy wanted to do everything the big kids did :)

We signed H up for a week of equestrian camp at the beginning of summer. All summer I've had to wait to tell her the fun news. She is excited to go! She also got some cute dresses from Nana, a Webkin, littlest pet shop somethings, a Hannah Montana CD and several other fun gifts. The girls loved their aprons and we sent them home with cookies and a cute flower pen too.


Anne/kq said...

What a fun birthday, and the food sounds delicious! Glad you all had fun and happy birthday to her, 8 is a big one!

nikko said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! Happy (almost) birthday, H!

Joyismygoal said...

Happy times and happy bday isn't it nice to sit back and say whew its over and job well done!!!

Mel said...

The aprons are such a cute idea! What a fun birthday for H.

Holger Danske said...

sounds like fun. We seem to have hannah montana on 24/7 around here, i'm sure she will like the CD.