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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

First Day of Preschool

Lucy got to start preschool this week. She was so excited! In the morning she got her purple sweat suit with the cute ice cream cone on it and her purple socks and her sparkly pink shoes on. Then she waited. Finally it was 9:15 and we could go. She has her backpack that she will take each day to school. Inside is her very own purple pencil box, with crayons, scissors, a pencil and some glue in it. Also a back up pull~up just in case and a baggie of wipes. She danced out the door and said "are we there yet" several times then we were there and she ran in to play...then didn't want me to leave :)
I stayed for a few minutes and then she was ready. When I went to pick her up Kathleen said she did great and played with the kids are participated everything. There are 7 kids in our group so I will teach one week out of 7. The age span of kids is kind of funny. Two of the girls are turning 5 this year, one is turning 4 this month, 3 turned 3 last year and Lucy is turning 3 this month. We have 5 girls and 2 boys. Very fun.
And, how weird is this, I was driving home and realized that twice a week all the kids would be in school (or something school like) with places to go and things to do that have nothing to do with me...and I, I will have free time.
any guesses what I did with said free time yesterday?
I went to the car wash, cleaned my kitchen and made a phone call.
She must have had a very fun time because she fell asleep in the afternoon (which never happens) and woke up crying to go to preschool.
And this morning she got up and asked to go to preschool :)


Yvonne said...

I'm so glad she had a great time. It must seem so odd for you to have all of them in school. You are so amazing to me--you didn't go home and just put your feet up, like I would have done.

nikko said...

How fun for Lucy! Enjoy your "free" time. :o)