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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

middle of the week

Today was my turn to do snack in Kindergarten. I brought my Three Little Pigs book and read it, then that ate pigs in blankets and drank capri-suns. The kiddos were excited to see me and said "we always love when you come!" Brother was happy too :)

Today was friend day here. H brought Alexa home with her to play until Activity Days. They had a fun time on the Wii. Now Brother has Mason over. I got him when I dropped off H and A. On the way home I was listening to them in the back seat. Mason was telling about his Wii. Brother said "well we have a Wii too, actually Mom got it for Christmas but she mostly shares if we are good". Which cracked me up :)

I'm making rolls tonight. It's a new recipe so hopefully it will turn out well.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

I bet they loved having you there. What a great idea with the pigs in a blanket.

LOL at the remark about the Wii.