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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Gas Hog

Why don't they make a hybrid Suburban? It cost us $98.88 to fill our tank yesterday. Ouch! I can't wait until summer for many reason, not the least of which is we won't have very many places to drive.

I wonder if we could do three days a week where we don't drive anywhere? Might be a good summer goal.


Yvonne said...

Ouch! Sounds like a great goal.

lera said...

I'm feeling the crunch, too, on our big vehicle.

Karla said...

AHRG! It costs the same to fill up my mammoth van! I started walking me kids to preschool three times a week. It wasn't super far, so I'm not sure we saved a ton of gas. But we had a lot of fun picking Dandilions on the way!