Come join me on the porch this summer and I promise you will meet some of the strangest characters you have ever read while scratching behind my big dog's ears.
It's time for our hot, sweaty summer of reading Southern Books! Are You Ready?!?
The rules are easy: 3 Southern Setting Books by Southern Authors in 3 Months beginning May 15 through August 15!
How can you pass this amazing challenge up? Incentive you say? A tin full of yummy tasting pecans will be sent to a lucky participant every Friday. I'll also be linking y'all's experiences as they come in, just like last year. Sense of Place Contest? Oh, Yeah! Dead Mule Society List? You Bet! Click here for southern book suggestions." Maggie
I did this last year and it was so fun. I love Southern Authors, I don't know why, and summer is the perfect time to read them. So jumping in with two feet here's my list:
Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen
The Watermelon King By Daniel Wallace
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, actually a novel by Ernest Gaines
*subject to change if I can't find them or start one and don't like it and want to switch or something else pops up that I'm dying to read.
The button's a link if you want to play:)
BTW, I am still searching for my five non fiction. I plan on doing both challenges. I just haven't gone to the library because we have one book MIA and I need to find it before I can check out. The good news is I returned the others so it's just the one to worry about.
You certainly are an avid reader, aren't you
Love the colors on this blog, TXMommy! Thanks for joining and I look forward to your reviews! :D
Sounds like fun! I an always looking for suggestions of books to read. I usually have my nose stuck in the young adult section and have a hard time branching out to the "grown up" stuff.
I might have to do this. I'm not as fast a reader as you though. Sounds like fun!
sounds like a good idea--I should try this
Do autobiographies count as non-fiction? If so, I highly recommend A Mormon Mother: An Autobiography by Annie Clark Tanner. It changed the way I thought about polygamy. It probably will be hard to find, though... And how about Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage. I loved it!
I've never read a southern author book but this sounds fun, plus I love Pecans!! I'll start with your list, unless you have some old favorites from last year I should try first??
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