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Too Many To Count Two

Saturday, May 10, 2008

random things I love

  1. the smell of Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen
  2. the feel of a little warm body, sleeping next to me
  3. the smell of early morning
  4. molten chocolate cake
  5. friends who call up and say "hey what's for dessert?" and we'll be right over
  6. summertime
  7. lazy mornings
  8. clean sheets
  9. a new book to crack open
  10. laughing with the kids
  11. sharing a story
  12. reading from the Book of Mormon and seeing one of the kids "get it"
  13. cool blue water
  14. talking on the phone with my sisters
  15. the smell and squeak of a newborn babe~ so sweet
  16. white wicker furniture on the front porch
  17. BBQ on the backyard grill
  18. small daily miracles
  19. nutella
  20. cold milk and warm cookies
  21. libraries
  22. Vera Wang Princess
  23. getting a phone call from Dani
  24. watching brother excel at sports
  25. seeing any of the kids succeed
  26. spending time with DH
  27. hearing Papa explain Nibley (who I don't get on my own)
  28. baby ducks swimming behind their moms
  29. the zoo
  30. hearing my favorite Wicked song "Loathing"
  31. peeking in to check on sleeping children
  32. pants that fit
  33. a new dress
  34. friends I can count on
  35. sinking my toes in warm sand
  36. fairness
  37. quiet
  38. taking a walk
  39. the smell of crayolas
  40. mi familia


SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Love this post!

Anonymous said...

Number two, a warm body, isn't me. It's our 5 yr old son who wanders in an snuggles almost every night.


Yvonne said...

Great list--love your DH's comment, too ; )

I have a good life said...

Love the Nutella, too. It is the only thing keeping me gaining instead of losing weight! :)

The Pollard Fam said...

What a great list! I really love number 2!!