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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I am excited, this summer the kids will get to spend time with their cousins. We live way too far apart from each other and it's hard to get them together. Miss M and little Miss H are only 5 weeks apart in age. I know they would be bestest friends if they lived near each other. This is them on M's first birthday. She was a walking, smiling, fuzzy blond headed cutie. H didn't walk, or smile, but she was a brown haired cutie!
Same summer we took all the kids to Knotts Berry Farm.
When school gets out this year I am packing up the car and driving to Utah. We'll spend a few weeks there with the family, playing and swimming and enjoying each other's company. I am looking forward to lots of time with my sisters, and for the kids to be together. We're also going to take a quick drive up to Boise and see Alec and family! and I am looking forward to seeing some friends who have since moved to the Beehive State and catching up with them. Hopefully by that time our house will be sold and Beloved will be in temp housing in MD. Then when we close on our house we'll make the trek to MD, via Ohio and unpack and set up. Then Lu and I will go back when little Ziggy is born!!


Yvonne said...

How fun for you to be able to spend some time with your family.

Good luck on the house selling.

nikko said...

How fun. I'm planning a road trip with the kids this summer, too.

We will sure miss you. :o(

Natalie said...

Oh the little cuties! That was a fun summer. You will have so much fun this summer! Lucky you.