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Thursday, July 09, 2009

M's birthday

Yesterday was M's birthday. She is 10 and the sweetest little girl. We had a birthday breakfast prepared by H and J then she went shopping with just her mom.
When they got back we went to Tucano's for lunch. It was so delicious. E said it was his favorite restaurant ever.
Then we went to 7 peaks. It was fun until her iPod was stolen:(
Happy Birthday!


Yvonne said...

Happy Birthday to M. She's a cutie.

Sorry about the iPod.

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

Bummer on the ipod- It is such a fun thing to have the chance to spend so much time with your family, especially since that doesn't get to happen very often. I love to tour the Temple Square area, it brings things back into perspective for me.