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Too Many To Count Two

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

day 30

We have lived here for 30 days. Thirty. Seems strange to me.

As part of our on going "learning to love Maryland" campaign I was on the lookout for something fun to do. This morning I had bills to pay and a trip to our new bank to set up accounts. This afternoon I wanted to go to Sotterley Plantation however no one else wanted to go and some of the children started crying when I told them the good news of our trip "not another historic building!" so we opted for a trip to the Great Mills swimming pool instead.

My little fish love water and swam around and had fun. They thought it wasn't as good as having their own pool but not too bad. J did laps.

Lucy got bad news today, she didn't get accepted into Pre K. She is VERY upset, as am I. I thought a few hours of free time a day would be most lovely. and I think she might add guinea pig to her list of allergies. Not sure what to do about that one.
We still have a few boxes to unpack but are mostly settled in. I wish school would start, I think that will go a long way towards making the kids feel at home. This has been a long summer.


Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

30 days? I guess time is flying for not just me.

We start school in a week here- and I must say I am happy about that.

Yvonne said...

Has it really been 30 days? WOW.

Hugs to littleLu