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Monday, August 17, 2009

dinner~ every night

No matter that I made dinner last night that was yumm-o the fam wants dinner again tonight...and I suspect they will tomorrow night as well.

H has been begging to make a whole meal by herself, and I told her she could, but then we were gone all summer and unpacking and whatnot. Last week she asked again and pinned me down to a day. Today. She also wanted to invite Chelsea to come and cook with her, which C was excited to do.
The girls discussed their menu for days and finally decided on an international theme. They chose a Scottish appetizer, an Asian entree and a French dessert. They also wanted to play themed music while we ate each cour es.
They made leek and potato soup and played bagpipe music. Followed by stir fry and some Asian stringed instrument playing music in the back round and ended with crepes accompanied by the CanCan.

They chopped and chopped and chopped and cooked for nearly 3 hours. Everything was super delicious.
We invited Chelsea's family to join us for dinner and FHE and everyone had a fun time.


Yvonne said...

They expect dinner every night--OF ALL THE NERVE ; )

What fun. Great menu. BTW, H & Chelsea could be sisters.

Mark and Beatrix Houghton said...

Nothing more fun than a great cooking show!
Eating is fun too, but it's over much too quickly.

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

Those two girls deserve a round of applause- that sounds like quite the accomplishment.

The patients here seem to want dinner every night too- how odd-

c. griffith said...

Love reading about all your new adventures! You guys are adapting so well, Russ wants to move out of state...were tired of Cali, reading your blog reassures me that if it happens, we'll be okay! Can't believe you are gonna be a grandma any day now!

nikko said...

They want to eat All The Time. What's up with that, anyway? Sometimes I wonder why Heavenly Father created us with this need to eat so often....

What busy and industrious little girls!

Veylupeks said...

Love the shirts from Target. Dinner...Dinner...Dinner